Monday, January 3, 2022

Lubavitchers Who Don't Put on Tefillin - Chabad Wakes Up To Another Severe Internal Problem

Yes, you read it right. The guys that go around asking people if they put on tefillin, preaching that Moshiach is here, or figuratively at the door, have among themselves their own Chasidim that are skipping this vital and fundamental mitzvah.

As we have reported in the past, despite the massive Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda machine, which is churning out PR constantly, giving people the impression that Lubavitch is great, and leading Klal Yisroel, duping far too many gullible humans into believing as much, the reality is quite different.

May HKB"H open people's eyes, and protect them from being duped by all types of scam artists.

א גוטען חודש


  1. I think its rather well known that Chabad has a serious OTD problem. I applaud Rabbi Katz for acknowledging that many Lubavichers wear Yarmulkes but don't put on Tefilin. I don't, however, agree with his assessment that these ate religious Jews who simply developed a bad habit. If someone doesn't put on Tefilin you can be certain that there are many other things amiss.

  2. There's a question which I would ask Rabbi Katz. What difference does it make if Lubavichers, or for that matter, any Jew puts on Tefilin? The Rebbe declared that all Jews go to Gan Eden and will be redeemed when Moshiach comes. Now the fact that the Gemara doesn't agree with the Rebbe just means that the Gemara must be wrong.As I've noted on several occasions when you try to invent your own kind of feel good Judaism to appeal to the masses, you get this quasi Orthodoxy which is certainly not acceptable in Hashem's eyes.

    1. I went to s Yud Shvat farbrengin in the Five Towns last night. Rabbi Groner from Charlotte was the speaker. He was very impressive as a speaker and a person. At the same time he's completely swallowed the Koolaid. If I had a dollar for every time he said 7th generation, I could retire. The problem with Avoda Zara is that its so hard for a person to admit he was wrong.
