Friday, June 7, 2024

The Real Reb Moshe Kotlarsky: Chabad-Lubavitch Partisan, and Messianic Believer

 Reb Moshe Kotlarsky, a prominent leader in the "establishment" Chabad-Lubavitch group (the one that attempts to conceal, play down, explain away problematic positions, such as their continuing belief that their late Rebbe, who died almost thirty years ago, is the Messiah) passed away earlier this week. Too much of the craven mainstream mass media, has been figuratively falling over itself since, fawning over him and flattering his group, painting him as some sort of mainstream Jewish leader, being led by the nose, as the saying goes, by the massive Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda apparatus. Typical of Chabad-Lubavitch, which acted similarly after the passing of Reb Yoel Kahn, a prominent teacher in the group, a few years back.

In order to better understand the real Reb Kotlarsky, beyond the glitzy PR of his group, we take you to some video you may not have seen (or for those who are Yiddish/Hebrew challenged, may not have understood).

At a Chabad gathering in Kazakhstan a few years ago -

a) Implores in prayer at gravesite of his Rebbe's father that 'we need the Rebbe (d. 5754/1994) here in a physical body to take us out of golus, bring us to Yerushalayim, והוא יגאלנו (and he will redeem us)'. 

b) Asks that Chabad-Lubavitch shluchim succeed in making Jews closer to "נשיא דורנו" (a Chabad-Lubavitch term for their Rebbes, meaning leader of our generation), his late Rebbe who passed away almost thirty years ago. That reveals what Chabad-Lubavitch is aiming for in its activities - bringing people closer to their sect and its long gone leader.

This shows you what Kotlarsky and his group are about. Not what they say in English to the media. But what they say in Yiddish/Hebrew among themselves.

More can be said, but due to busyness, will suffice with this to make the point now.

א גוטען חודש און א גוטען שבת


  1. All you need to know about "Rabbi" Kotlarsky and Dovid Lichtenstein (Headlines podcast - ed.) was their performance several years ago. Kotlarsky was asked to respond to Rav Herschel Schachter's remark that some Lubavitchers daven to the Rebbe instead of Hashem. He categorically denied it and then Lichtenstein reacted, "So there you have it. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky who's in charge of over 2,000 Chabad Mosdos says that no Lubavitcher davens to the Rebbe.

    I will give Kotlarsky credit. He conned George Rohr by making him his partner.

    Lest anyone think that Chabad is a valid expression of Yiddishkeit consider the following. Last Simchas Torah will be remembered as Oct. 7th. The week before i.e. Erev Sukkos it rained all day. The rain let up and we were able to eat in the Sukkah. Someone thanked Hashem for stopping the rain but then two guys looked at each other. One told the other, "Everything we have in our lives is from the Rebbe" The other fellow responded," Of course, we live in the shadow of the Rebbe." (edited)

  2. We shouldn't be surprised. Chabad is taking credit for yesterday's rescue. Noa's father went to the Ohel last week.
