Sunday, January 21, 2024

Litvishe Gadol Expounds on Self-Esteem's Importance - Toras Avigdor Spells it out for us

The matter of self-esteem and the fundamental importance of it in the Torah worldview has been touched on here in the past. For example, we observed that some people think that it is a Chasidic matter, a חידוש (innovation) of that group, and like to cite Reb Zadok of Lublin, for one, on the subject

Of course, that is absurd (as when some Chasidim pose as the inventors of the idea of serving G-d with joy, an explicit ancient scriptural verse in Tehillim), as way back in the Mishnah it states that a person is obligated to say that the world was created for me.

But some people might want, need, and enjoy a more extensive mainstream treatment of the subject, especially due to its importance in our day and age. So therefore I am pleased to share with you that the very recently released Toras Avigdor for Shabbos parashas Bo 5784, has an extensive and comprehensive treatment of the subject (particularly from page six onward). 

Let the lights of ישיבה כנסת ישראל of Slabodka and רב אביגדור מילער זצ"ל elucidate and illuminate the subject for you based on classic, ancient Torah sources.

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