Monday, October 2, 2023

Chabad-Lubavitch Adopts "Peylishe" Chasidic Mode of Simchas Beis Hashoeivah

 Nowadays, Chabad-Lubavitch is known for loud and lengthy Simchas Beis Hashoeivah celebrations in public streets, most prominently perhaps near their headquarters in New York. But it was not always that way. Evidently in the past there was a (indoor) Farbrengen then.

I came across a short video, in which a Lubavitcher explains the change.

It seems it might part of a general process in which Chabad-Lubavitch is becoming more like what they call "Peylishe Chasidim" than in the past. I could see Chabad purists looking askance at that. But since many Chabad-Lubavitch Chasidim nowadays come from "Peylishe" backgrounds, it is not so surprising. Anyway, the point is that Chabad is not an unchanging tradition some might want you to believe it is. From Lag Baomer parades to Simchas Beis Hashoeivah in the streets, to their last Rebbe's "mivtzoim", and on and on, much change has taken place over the years there, especially under their last Rebbe.

א גוטען מועד


  1. Question: Who said that a large, public, loud and annoying Simchas Beis HaShoeivah is Poilisher (Peylish) ?

  2. And when it was done "farbreng style" that was also incorrect. Chazal clearly describe what went on at SB"H and it was not a chabad farbreng ch"v!! They cant get it right no matter what they do. Because chabad compared to Yiddshkeit is c'kof bifnei adam. It may look similar at times but we know the truth.
    And the claim in the video that their rebbe made the change to promote "achdus" was simply an attempt to lure more people into their idolatrous monkey business.

    I haven't been to C"H for a SB"H in years since I wised up but the amount of non chabad people there was scary. Hopefully many of those people have wised up as well.

    The problem is that chabad will use every opportunity to "promote achdus", as described in the clip, to normalize their movement. The whole Rubashkin fiasco was a big setback for us. They milked that for all the "achdus" they could. Getting rabbonim from all sects on board simply gave a facade of validity to them. Chabad was at the forefront of everyones mind because of Rubashkin. The fact there were asifas and tefilos etc.. automatically made everyone associate with Chabad by normalizing Rubashkin and chabad as a whole by extension. We needed one Gadol to come out and say that Rubashkin by nature of his chabad beliefs is a kofer, apikoris etc.. (maybe he is nebach an koifer but as the Brisker Rov said...) and we should not be davening from him or having asifas. They needed to be completely amputated from us but instead we let the infected limb fester and pretended that it was fine.

  3. The Rubashkin affair was what it was. But now it is over. Long over. So why is a publisher of a newspaper that purportedly represents the derech of Rav Schach zt"l dancing to Lubavitcher myths like אימתי קאתי מר וכו and participating in events with SMR still? And why is he and an ex BMG high official working to support Habad houses (though they may not write about it in the YN)? It is unfortunate that some Litvish people have fallen for Lubavitch propaganda. Chabadskers may be laughing about it all the way to the bank.

    If they really want to learn about Lubavitch, they might spend some time in Crown Heights. Instead of viewing air brushed Chabad propaganda online or offline, they should see the real thing up close. When they see the insanity there (note - they should not go on a trip led by the Krinsky & Kotlarsky propaganda apparatus which shows them a limited Chabad Potemkin village, rather visit on their own without a local handler), they likely will have a rude, but long overdue, awakening.

  4. In the YWN thread that I'm now part of, someone who writes very forcefully against Chabad, now offered an apology for insulting the Rebbe. I understand that he was moved by the Yomim Noraim and so his heart is in the right place, but he's misguided. Lubavichers routinely mock Gedolim and not just those who criticize Chabad. I've never seen a Lubavicher apologize. Moreover, many outside of Chabad, rabbis and lay alike, feel obligated to worship at the altar of 770. I would ask those individuals the following rhetorical question, "Has any Lubavicher returned the favor?" Rabbi Efrem Goldberg took a group to be oleh regel at the Ohel. Did Krinsky give him a Yasher Koach? Why are we so afraid to accept the truth that there's something seriously rotten in the state of Chabad and it starts with their semi dead leader.

  5. The Rebbe’s explanation that he changed the style of SBH to “bring achdus” is laughable. Since when was he concerned about achdus? Never. He always purposely went his own way, never attempting cooperation with other Jewish leaders.

    The real reason he changed things within Chabad is because he had delusional ideas that “the time of redemption has arrived” and wanted to demonstrate this by bringing things out to the streets , in the public, and announcing it to the world.

  6. I'd like to share what happened in shul on the night of Simchas Torah. The shul is basically Litvish but there are some people who align themselves with Chabad. One teenager showed up with a flag which had a picture of the Rebbe. He was waving the flag during Hakofos while sitting on someone's shoulders. Then other kids took turns carrying the flag. After about ten minutes some boys from CH showed up and they started singing Yechi as the danced. Finally the Rabbi stopped them.

    1. Thanks for sharing that. Some people are so naive and/or unwilling to admit the truth, preferring to wish/imagine away unpleasant realities, that they will tolerate, or even join problematic activities of a pushy, aggressive sect, esp. if singing and dancing is involved. That goes way back, recall the idol worship of the עגל הזהב.

      B"H a responsible Rav stood up, and did what needed to be done, putting the kibosh on this contemporary עבודה זרה version.

      By the way, the Lubavitchers drink vodka when they go on their Simchas Torah march (they stop to make kiddush and eat), so they are fueled with spirit(s), or shall we say intoxicated, when they stop in.
