Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Bitter Fruit of Faulty Neo-Chasidic Theology Comes Out in the Open in Affinity Scam Exposes

 We have written in the past about the big problem with the "every yid's a big tzadik" song and philosophy promoted by Neo-Chasidim (as well as some old Chasidim, as well as others), via a TYH song, and otherwise.

 Now I know that some people thought, hey, what is he complaining about, it's cute, who cares, what's the difference, even if it is wrong, it's harmless, etc., etc.

But of course, in addition to the fundamental fact and commandment of מדבר שקר תרחק, that we are enjoined to stay far away from falsehood, that attitude is a clear and present existential danger to us. In addition to cases of physical harm, whether molestation or otherwise, that are perpetrated by bad apples "within the community" (fraudsters who pose as pious Jews), another serious internal problem is fraud in business, whether on a small scale, or large scale Ponzi schemes, and other scams that we hear or read about from time to time. Letting our guard down via delusional beliefs and attitudes makes us sitting ducks for such predators, ח"ו, something our holy Torah by no means prescribes.

While such things are exposed sometimes, and even reported in the media occasionally, usually it seems to be in regard to a single case, and doesn't address the problem more broadly. But now, in just the last day or so, surprisingly, I saw two big pieces on the subject, with a broader focus and scope, in some major frum media outlets. While long overdue, they are very welcome and necessary.

1) MAILBAG: Ponzi Schemes And Investors In Our Community: A Warning To All Involved - The Yeshiva World

2) Hot Deal or Hot Air? – Mishpacha Magazine

This type of affinity fraud is also related to the "Every Yid's a Big Tzadik" attitude promoted by people like the TYH group. Naive kids, newly converted to the neo-Chasidic faith, from posh suburbs, may harbor and buy such fantasies, but they are very dangerous and un-Jewish, and need to be called out.

No, every Yid is not a big tzadik (and not every talmid chacham is a gaon) Like those who proverbially wrap themselves in a flag can be scoundrels, those conspicuously wrapping themselves in "frumkeit", or "Chasidus", can be so too. As posted here in the past, the proper attitude our great rabbis taught toward strangers is respect and caution/suspicion. Trust must be earned. It is not granted by a song that some pre-1A teacher made up, sung by some youngster online.

May הקב"ה protect us from swindlers of various stripes who steal our money and innocence, as well as from those who peddle feel-good, but false, and anti-Torah theology, wrapped in Hasidic garb, who steal our minds, and falsify our faith.


  1. About 30 years ago, my niece developed a serious medical condition. As it turned out, this was Hashem's way of bringing her into the fold. When she took the plunge I told her that Judaism is incredible but don't be turned off by some of its practitioners. Baruch Hashem she's very happily married and living a superfrum life in Monsey. The reality is that Yiddishkeit isn't a panacea. It's simply the life we must live because we're following Hashem's orders. I used to attend a shul with a Chabad Rabbi. One Shabbos he announced during his sermon, "I want everyone to become religious because if you become religious you'll all get rich." I have no idea where he came up with that, but this is what he said. Unfortunately, the truth doesn't sit well with most people and that's why movements like Chabad attract so many adherents. No, convincing people that putting on Tefilin one time in their lives makes them Tzaddikim is an outright lie.

  2. "The reality is that Yiddishkeit isn't a panacea."

    I think that we might say that theoretically, really, ideally, it is something like that, with the caveat that people practice it properly. Too often, however, due to ignorance or misunderstandings of Torah, or other reasons, the level of the practice is not where it should be (e.g. mechanical observance by habit, aka מצות אנשים מלומדה, rather than heartfelt action, or some of the details are omitted or misapplied). In such case, if the practice is wanting, the protective benefits (physical, emotional, etc.) could be correspondingly reduced.

  3. You mentioned it in passing, but probably needs more emphasizing- this not only a Neo thing. It is a developing phenomena in "mainstream" Chasidic circles as well.

    A big chunk of advertisements in Chasidic media are quick-fixes. From Ayin-hora removal, to auspicious days to exotic kevorim.

    Also, the kernel of the idea that "every Yid is a tzaddik" is rooted in early Chasidic theology. It's actually one of the fundamental cornerstones of their belief systems, an idea never heard before they invented it.

    Thanks for bringing this to the public's attention.

    1. Sadly, corruption is found across the spectrum of Orthodoxy. I think it's overly simplistic to blame it on the TYH movement and others of the same ilk. The reality is that Gist De Bist De is a very powerful force in Yiddishkeit. Yes. we'll honor Gedolim for their Torah but everyone wants to be the Gvir who can make the big weddings, go on fancy vacations etc. To that point people will do whatever it takes to reach that lofty status and they'll justify it in their minds by saying that they're making the money so that they can better serve Hashem.

  4. I'm not saying your position is silly, but you can't just ignore the possuk ועמך כלם צדיקים. Granted there is no word for "big" there.

    1. That was addressed here in the past. If you look up that pasuk and learn it properly, you will see that it is speaking about לעתיד לבא, in the future, like in the time of the גאולה. Learn some of the navi ישעיהו, the haftoroh of כי תבוא, and know what it really means. It is not meant just to be run or slept through, rather to be studied and truly understood.

    2. Years ago I spoke to someone who did some very shady things, to put it mildly. I asked him why he wasn't afraid of losing his Olam Habo and he responded, "The Mishna says, "Kol Yisroel Yesh Lo Cheilek Leolam Habo." I was ready and I answered but the the Mishna then says Chutz. He shot back, "Ah Chutz." I told my Rav and he said, "You should have told him, "Ah Kol Yisrael Yesh Lo." The point to understand is that G-d isn't stupid. He knows exactly what each and every one of us is doing at all times. So the idea that we'll fool Him by quoting an out of context Chazal is an insult to Hashem. The Torah and Chazal are starting points but then one must use his Seichel to correctly apply it.

  5. Huh? You are blaming the Neo Chasidim for the level of trust in the frum world? They aren't the ones who go around peddling the story that "really he was innocent but he didn't want to maaser on others" or screaming "antisemitism" every time a frum person gets arrested for fraud. Their leaders don't attend parties celebrating some guy who is terribly guilty of gezel and chilul hashem when he gets out of jail like some Roshey Yeshiva have. etc.

    1. If a Litvishe Rosh Yeshiva attended such an event I suspect he didn't know the whole story, and was sold a bill of goods. They are not the movers in such things, AFAIK, rather people from another place, וד"ל.

    2. "You are blaming the Neo Chasidim for the level of trust in the frum world? They aren't the ones who..." But it is from them (TYHN) that an irresponsible kiddie jingle, from a pre-1A teacher, was promoted to the public at large as if it was Torah-true theology, which is dangerous and highly inappropriate.

    3. Mr. Litvak is not saying that dishonesty is a Chasidic thing. Unfortunately greed is a universal trait and bad apples can be found in every sect. What he is saying is that the TYH movement has brought in a sense of trust within the community that is unwarranted by the Torah.

      Al kol ponim that's how I understand it.

    4. Well said. Old L. you're a voice of reason and your comments are welcomed. Several years ago I made a remark that people misinterpreted and criticized. You came to my defense, so I'd like to thank you now.

  6. See the Maharal in Derech Chaim on the Mishna Kol Yisroel who says what is claimed here to be a lie and Chassidic invention. And since he promoted this idea before Chassidism you should be blaming him for enabling swindlers and crooks.

    1. Huh? I just took a look at דרך חיים (מהר"ל)/הקדמת המשנה - ויקיטקסט and didn't see what you are claiming. In fact he says there "ואין הפירוש שהם צדיקים ע"י מעשה דהוי ליה לומר ועמך צדיקים ירשו ארץ, כי אי אפשר שיהיו כולם צדיקים"!

    2. Shaifileh, read literally the next line. Better yet I'll quote it here for everyone to see.

      ומאחר שאמר "ועמך כולם", רוצה לומר שהם צדיקים בעצמם, בלא צד מצות ומעשים טובים, יש להם חלק לעולם הבא.

    3. That is not in the sense of how the word tzadik is used colloquially these days, as in the TYH song. It is with regard to having a cheilek in עולם הבא. Also note that it doesn't say "big tzadik". The Maharal זי"ע was not a delusional fool. Also, see our previous writing on the subject.

    4. "That is not in the sense of how the word tzadik is used colloquially these days, as in the TYH song. It is with regard to having a cheilek in עולם הבא."

      Lets start here if that's ok...
      My understanding of the Maharal is that the posuk uses the word tzadikim for all Jews since all Jews are inherently tzadikim regardless of their mitzvos and maasim tovim and therefore have a cheilek in Olam Haba.

      Do you disagree with my understanding?
      If you do, I would greatly appreciate you explaining to me why I'm incorrect and what you feel the correct explanation is.

    5. They may have a minimal cheilek in olam habo. Like maybe postage stamp size. And even that can be lost, as the mishnah and Chazal teach us later. And that is not what people mean when they say colloquially that someone is a tzadik, that is not what the TYH pre-1A teache's song means.

    6. Again. The Maharal says that the pasuk calls all Jews tzadikim because all Jews are inherently tzadikim regardless of their mitzvos and maasim tovim.

      Do you agree with this understanding or not?

    7. It seems that you are of the Neo-Hasidic faith. Why don't you ask your leaders, Rebbe Moishe Weinberger, Holy Fire Rebbe of Woodmere, and Rebbe Zakutinsky of Lawrence, the following.

      Chasidim say that ציבור = צדיקים, בינונים, רשעים. How can 'the (Hasidic) tzadikim' say that a tzibur has reshaim, ay it says ועמך כלם צדיקים????

      And the Hasidic Tanya, the Bible of the Chabad Lubavitch, says that tzadikim are rare, that most are beinonim. How can the Alter Rebbe of the Lubavitch say that, the posuk says all are zadikim, no? They say he is a descendant of Maharal zy"a. How can he/they go against Maharal??

    8. The Gemara says Lama Li Kra, Sevara Hi? This has ramifications in our lives. One can't arrive at truth by latching on to a verse or a Maamar Chazal. Those statements must be understood in the context of Seichel. About ten years ago this fellow in my neighborhood started coming to shul to say Kaddish for his parents(they died within a few months of each other). He's a nice guy, but he's an open Mechallel Yom Kippur. One day he tells me that the Rabbi(Chabad) told him he's a Tzaddik. When I confronted the Rabbi he told me that according to Chabad every Jew is a Tzaddik, it's just that some are bigger than others. If something is illogical it's wrong. Good job Mr. L calling out Anonymous as a mindless neo Chassid.

    9. That's an excellent argument and Anonymous won't address it. So I'll add, "Is Bernie Sanders a Tzaddik? Was Bernie Madoff a Tzaddik? Was Bernie Schwartz (Tony Curtis) a Tzaddik?" You won't answer these challenges because you can't and that proves you're wrong.

    10. In the colloquial way that "every yid is a big tzadik" is said and sung people like Bernie Sanders, Bernie Madoff and Bernie Schwartz aren't thought of as being Yidden to begin with . It refers to people who self identity as Yidden and make an effort to act that way

    11. For the past few days you've consistently reminded us, in no uncertain terms, that according to Maharal all Jews regardless of their religious status, are called Tzaddikim. When I challenged you, you offered a novel interpretation of the term "all Jews." Chazal tell us that the first question we'll be asked in the next world is, "Were you honest in business?" This doesn't only refer to business dealings. Hashem wants us to be intellectually and emotionally honest. Moreover he wants us to be willing to say I was wrong when that's the appropriate response.

    12. It's near heretical to state: some are born righteous,some beinoni,some wicked
      They then go into convolutions to explain how being born of the latter groupings aren't such bad things

    13. All animals are..,some are more than others

