Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Lubavitchers on Drugs - A Shocking Reality Beyond All The Chabad-Lubavitch Propaganda

Chabad-Lubavitch PR Inc., the giant propaganda machine of the Crown Heights NY based faith, just had its annual agents convention. Many people, unfortunately, as usual, were duped by it, the glitzy, fancy banquet, video coverage, etc. 

But in order to really know modern Chabad-Lubavitch, we need to look beyond their many airbrushed and calculated promos. We need to see what Lubavitchers are saying among themselves. Just like with regard to the Middle East, where leaders often say one thing to press, outsiders, in English, but something quite different to their own people in Arabic, or Farsi, and many people are sadly fooled, but there are some, like the organization MEMRI, that monitor such internal media and translate it, to get the truth out to the world, so too with a group like Chabad-Lubavitch. We need to see what they say to each other, to get beyond their massive propaganda deceptions, the staged performances that they put on for the world at large.

For starters, to illustrate this, I will share one example (of numerous) that just came to my attention.

Looking through some Lubavitch news a short while ago, I came across a mind-blowing (no pun intended) story about a very serious Chabad problem, of their "Chassidim" 🤣 using dangerous psychedelic drugs to get high, cope with life, for excitement... (as usual, see not just the post, but the important comments too). Yes, the Hasidic sect that claims to be the intellectual Hasidism, the one bringing Moshiach, that believes their long gone leader is he, is using drugs to keep on going. They preach to others that "Chasidus" has the answers, is the perfect way of life...but the hard facts on the ground in Lubavitch show a very different reality.

Yidden! Wake up! Don't be duped by all the Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda! Don't fall for their scams, don't give them a penny. Instead of them laughing all the way to the bank, after relieving you of your hard-earned money under dubious pretenses, let them go home crying, without a cent in their pockets.

ולשומעים יונעם ותבא עליהם ברכת טוב

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Rav Leib Malin zt"l Levaya Video, with Rav Avraham Kalmanowitz zt"l, and Other Gedolim

I came across this a few days ago, from 5722 (1962 למספרם), video from the Brooklyn, NY levaya.

One sees several רבנים being מספיד. The first is Rav Avraham Kalmanovitz זצ"ל. Second is Rav Aharon Kotler זצ"ל I would guess (compare the images with a video from the same period featured here in the past). Third Rav Moshe Feinstein (?). Somewhat difficult to make out. 

Extensive background information.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Grave Escalation at Chabad Tomb - Lubavitch Deceptive PR Agenda at Resting Place Emerges

Last week a political candidate, who happens to be a former President of the United States of America, briefly visited the grave of the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch faith, less than a month before the upcoming scheduled election there. The sect laid out the proverbial red carpet for him, tying up the site and area for many hours, bringing some of its top leaders to greet him there.

Why the hullaballoo and kowtowing? Chabad seeks to promote the grave of its long dead leader, and by extension, itself, as the representative of Judaism, its vanguard, and epitome. Having well-known personalities and celebrities visit there is integral to this PR campaign of Chabad Inc. of Krinsky, Kotlarsky & Co. Of course, they try to hide their machinations and manipulations from view (at least the more sophisticated and aware ones). But sometimes it slips through, as in this case, when a leading Chabad-Lubavitch English news site let loose its PR goal, calling the gravesite the holiest Jewish site in North America (but didn't they just claim that 770 = The Holy Temple in their book?). Instead of the truth, that is the resting place of a false messiah ממש, leader of a fringe sect, they try to sell their scam to the unsuspecting and ignorant, e.g. Jewishly illiterate Jews and gentiles. Their arrogance, audacity, brazenness, and delusional mindset is, as people might say, off the charts.

Another aspect of it is that the tomb complex is controlled by the more polished establishment faction of Lubavitch PR, of Krinsky, Kotlarsky, etc., as opposed to the 770 complex of their late Rebbe's Temple, which is under control of the openly messianist faction. The open chaos and insanity at 770 clashes with the more controlled, rational image that Chabad PR wants to project, so therefore they hesitate to bring prominent guests there, preferring to host them at the grave, where they have them pay homage at their leader's resting place.

It is therefore that the Chabad-Lubavitch gravesite (as well as other Chabad-Lubavitch institutions) should be avoided, distanced, and surely not supported. Visiting gives support to them and their twisted agenda. How great and foresighted were the gedolim of the past like Rav Schach and the Brisker Rav זצוקללה"ה זי"ע, who warned us so long ago against the Crown Heights sect. 

Visiting the grave promotes them and their late leader. Kowtowing to Chabbad and their agenda to use PR and various other means of disinformation to promote their deviant faith as not only legitimate Judaism, but the leading form of it, is a grave danger and threat to the integrity of our faith. It is an agenda that should be resisted and combatted by legitimate thinking Jews. While the tomb of their leader may have gotten a worthless Trump-K hechsher, true Jews should realize what is afoot and treat it as being chazer-treif, 

Don't get played by Chabad-Lubavitch. Don't fall for their scams. Stay away from their late Rebbe's grave, their Temples, their so-called Chabad houses. Don't contribute at all to them, any contributions and collaborations with them support them in their effort to hijack Judaism and replace it with their heresy.

In the זכות of following our gedolim, עיני העדה, and staying away from their heretical sect, may we be zoche to true Yiddishkeit, and a blessed, sweet new year.

Update - While one leading Chabad site described their leader's grave as "the holiest Jewish site in North America", as above, the official Chabad PR took a somewhat different tack, claiming it to be "the most visited Jewish holy site in North America". Truth be told, both of these brazen claims are deceptive and misleading, for multiple reasons, such as 1) who decided that it is holier than numerous other sites?, 2) how do they know that it is the most visited? 3) The numbers of visitors, even assuming they are true, presumably do not distinguish between members of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect and normative Jews, nor between repeat visitors, and those who just come once. Since a great number of the visitors are followers of the Chabad faith, many of whom visit multiple times a year, especially at certain times such as special holidays of Lubavitch, e.g. birthdays and death anniversaries of their leaders, when they got out of prison, and so on, the complex is really not visited that much beyond followers of Chabad and those under their sway.

Monday, September 30, 2024

770 = Beis Hamikdash, Shul of Moshiach in our Generation, Chabad-Lubavitch Book Teaches

This is not a new development or revelation fundamentally, actually, as it is based on a discourse the last leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch faith delivered before his passing over three decades ago. However, as other of their teachings delivered in their abstruse lingo, some of it specific to the Crown Heights sect, it can be difficult for the average person to grasp, especially if they have no background with them. A few years back Chabad had some special programming (e.g. this event with Lubavitch scholar Y.Y. Jacobson instructing the crowd in the subject) to break down, simplify, explicate, and disseminate it to the masses. However, even then, the target audience was their own group, leaving many normative Jews blissfully ignorant of the confused and deviant doctrines preached in a section of Brooklyn. Furthermore, Lubavitchers have a long history of deception, denial, obfuscation, and misdirection, with regard to some of their more problematic beliefs and practices.

Now, however, they have stepped up their dissemination of it, by putting out a booklet promoting it to children with simple language and colorful illustration.

 ‘The Mikdash Movement’ Book Highlights the Uniqueness of 770 - Anash.org

Groundbreaking New Kids Study Book ‘The Mikdash Movement’ | CrownHeights.info – Chabad News, Crown Heights News, Lubavitch News

Tut Altz Kids - The Mikdash Movement SAMPLE.pdf (dropbox.com)

Viewing the sample pages online, one clearly sees that the publication teaches that 770 = Beis Hamikdash, and is Moshiach's Shul.

It is important to note that this booklet is not put out by a "meshichist" faction, but rather by the "establishment" Chabad-Lubavitch faction led by Krinsky, Kotlarsky, et al.

People need to be aware of such delusional, dangerous beliefs held by this aggressive group, the imperative therefore to keep a distance from them, and not mistakenly support or join with them out of ignorance.

In the zechus of rejection of false messianism, may we be zoche to a שנת גאולה וישועה, and the true משיח בקרוב.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Proper Derech HaLimud - What is it? Has it Changed? - R. Yitzchok Sorotzkin Speaks Out

 A few weeks ago a great and illuminating discussion about proper דרך הלימוד, past, present, and future, with the renowned R. Yitzchok Sorotzkin שליט"א, appeared in a number of publications, by Moshe Greenwald.

In case you missed it, it can still be seen online, e.g. here (pages 64-65).

Highly recommended reading.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Shmuel Butman, Leading Chabad Messianic Promoter, and Cousin of Late Rebbe, Dies

 Shmuel Butman, descendant of the founder of the Chabad faith, and a prominent Chabad-Lubavitch leader for many years, died last month, thirty years after the death of his second cousin, the last Rebbe of the sect, whom he promoted as Messiah for many years. Butman was very well connected in the contemporary group, as the leader's close relative, and brother in law of leading Lubavitch teacher Reb Yoel Kahn, among other ties.

In the wake of his passing it was interesting to see some of the coverage and discussion that ensued. The establishment of Chabad Inc. (directed by senior Chabad leader, and spinmeister in chief Yudel Krinsky) which toils mightily to hide, play down, and obfuscate the messianism of the movement and its enduring pervasive belief that their late leader is the Messiah even today, crafted an obituary which totally omitted Butman's and the sect's messianism for its website. That astonishing, gaping, blatant, giant act of revisionism, led even a major Modern Orthodox promoter of Chabad to call them out for their massive manipulation.

On the other hand, the New York Times had a fairly good obituary of him, which, rightfully and accurately prominently covered Butman's messianic activism (a video of which we featured here a while back). An important and very relevant comment at the end of the piece by Professor Samuel Heilman about Butman and Chabad-Lubavitch messianism, aroused the ire of some Chabad tweeters, as Heilman failed to kowtow to the sect and go along with their PR spin, as they would have liked.

Modern Chabad-Lubavitch is giving us better understanding of Messianic movements of the past, like the Sabbateans, who continued to follow their leader for many years after his death. So too, Chabad-Lubavitch persists in its belief that their last Rebbe is the messiah, more than thirty years after his passing. Fittingly, even on Butman's very recently installed tombstone (as seen at his Chabadpedia page), his late cousin, the Rebbe of Chabad-Lubavitch is referred to as מה"מ, a Hebrew abbreviation for מלך המשיח (King Messiah).

May Hashem give us the wisdom, discernment, and courage to resist the temptation of spurious, false messiahs, and their promoters, and in the merit of that, send us our true redeemer soon.

Prominent Chasidic Rabbi Slams Hymish-Behymish Gluttony & Fress Culture

NEW LETTER: Rav Avrohom Schorr Calls Out Excessiveness at Kiddushim and Toameha Gatherings | Matzav.com

Rabbi Avrohom Schorr Writes Letter Against Excessive Kiddushes, Drinking, and Friday Afternoon Parties - VINnews

I guess Rav Schorr, not being an Ingarishe Chasid (he has background in Ruzhin and Gur), doesn't understand the Hungarian Hasidic Hymish-beHymish היימיש-בהיימיש (as in בהמה) way. Maybe give him a ticket to Kerestir? ;-)

Did any of these fressers ever see the famous רמב"ן at the beginning of קדושים, where he talks of the prohibition of being a נבל ברשות התורה, a disgusting human being, while purportedly being "frum"?

May Hashem help us from these and all other "religious" fraudsters.

Friday, July 12, 2024

R. Avigdor Miller זצ"ל Forcefully Rejects "Every Yid's a Big Tzaddik" TYH Nation Drivel

We have posted here in the past about a Neo-Chasidic group calling itself TYH nation that promotes the notion that "every Yid is a big tzadik", and how wrong it is, even if they have some cute songs and some flashy swag at times. 

ב"ה the Torah community at large seems to have kept a distance from TYH lately (see the low stats on many of their recent non-musical videos, for example, especially the ones that are really OTD, like when they try to teach their confused theology, including Likutei Amarim-Tanya. It is sad when naive Modern Orthodox and non-Orthodox encounter Chabad-Lubavitch and fall for them head over heels).

Anyway, as I was reading last week's Toras Avigdor recently, I was happy to note not just one, but two pieces where Rav Miller zt"l strongly took issue with TYH's זיוף התורה with regard to this matter.

 Korach 5784 – The Great Opponent – Toras AvigdorKorach 5784 – The Great Opponent – Toras Avigdor

The first is in the English booklet, p.15, paragraph three, where he spoke about the great importance of introspection, working on middos, on the improvement of character traits, without which a person can delude himself into believing that he is righteous when he is actually far from that.

"...there are evil Orthodox Jews" "...there are plenty of reshaim gemurim."

The second was on page twenty, the back cover, in the Q&A section.

"There's no such thing as saying "There's no reshaim". This liberal attitude that everything is excusable cannot be accepted by us. We have our principles and sometimes you have to call a thing by its name. And a person who is disloyal to the Torah certainly deserves a certain rebuke. And if he deserves the name of rasha - it doesn't mean you have to say it - but you could certainly categorize him in the category of rasha" (this piece was actually featured in the past, hereand there, as well).

So there you have it.

ב"ה we can still see old-fashioned Torah truth at times, even if it is not politically correct.

א גוטען שבת

Monday, July 1, 2024

R. Moshe Wolfson, Chasidic Evangelist, and Chabad-Lubavitch Chasid, Passes Away

R. Moshe Wolfson, a Mashgiach in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in New York (a mixed Hasidic-Litvish yeshiva, containing elements of both), spiritual leader of Cong. Emunas Yisroel, and prominent Chasidic advocate, passed away last week.

It was interesting to see the coverage in different frum media following his petirah. While some (e.g. Matzav and "Yated") tried to present him as a more mainstream figure, playing down his ardent Hasidism and connections to Chabad-Lubavitch, by being a perceptive observer, as well as viewing other outlets, one could get a more accurate and complete picture of his life and legacy.

                           R. Moshe Wolfson and Chabad-Lubavitch

While it is true that R. Wolfson was influenced by, and maintained ties with multiple Hasidic courts and groups (as was stated at the levaya by a maspid, that he was called 'the nosher' in his youth, as he went to multiple Hasidic Rebbes), nevertheless he had greater ties to some than others. And it is clear that he was very influenced by and connected to Chabad-Lubavitch, and their late leader, as we shall explain.

Chabad-Lubavitch websites had a great amount of coverage on R. Wolfson after his passing, quite unusual for a someone not officially a Lubavitcher. It is clear that they considered him to be very close to them, a fellow traveler, real friend, steadfast ally, if not actually one of their own literally.

I would like to clearly lay out some of the deep connections between Chabad-Lubavitch and R. Wolfson.

1) Stress on the foundational work of the Chabad-Lubavitch faith, Likutei Amarim, aka Tanya. R. Wolfson gave shiurim on it for years, and his congregation disseminated them prominently.

2) He visited and interacted with the late last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe over decades, displaying great subservience to him. 

3) He participated in Chabad-Lubavitch events for years, speaking for them at public gatherings, which he did not do for others.

4) He visited the grave of their last Rebbe often. A recent Chabad-Lubavitch advertisement even claims that he promoted prayer at that tomb with superlative language (source).

5) He went to their headquarters ("770") and davened in their late Rebbe's room, many years after his passing.

Some selected sources:

A Lubavitcher Remembers Reb Moshe Wolfson - Anash.org

Rabbi Moshe Wolfson, 99, OBM (collive.com)

Based on the above, there are definitely firm and ample grounds for describing R. Wolfson as a Chabad-Lubavitch Chasid, as a Lubavitcher writer and YouTuber described him.

The deep connection between him and Chabad continued with his son, the leader of Emunas Yisroel of Monsey, New York. 

A recent Chabad-Lubavitch advertisement even claims that he promoted prayer at that tomb in superlative language.

UPDATE: A grandson of R. Moshe, son of his Monsey son evidently, joined the Chabad-Lubavitch faith, attending their school in Kfar Chabad. He shared some interesting information on X, for example, that his grandfather was very supportive of that move, and insisted on paying the Tomchei Temimim tuition for him there, that his grandfather said that he was a walnut (big nut) for not going more often to the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, and about his visits to the tomb of their late leader.

Why am I not surprised? As the old saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

                     R. Moshe Wolfson and Modern Orthodoxy

Another important aspect of R. Wolfson's life and legacy was his Hasidic evangelism, which reached beyond his local community, stretching even to the Modern Orthodox world, either directly or via people like his son-in-law, R. Mottel Zilber, Toldos-Yehudah Stuchin Rebbe, who has close to ties to Cong. Aish Kodesh of YU Mashpia R. Moshe Weinberger, and people like R. Hershel Reichman and his son R. Zev Reichman of Yeshiva University, leaders of the Neo-Chasidus movement.

May we be zoche to clarity, knowledge, and understanding, so we are able to make necessary הבדלות, separations and distinctions, and keep apart things that should not be mixed.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Litvaks that saved USSR Torah Yiddishkeit

 Ubiquitous Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda, disseminated by the minions of their faith, some fellow travelers, and various naive others, puts forth a notion that they saved Yiddishkeit and Torah in the Soviet Union. That others fled, gave up, succumbed to the persecution and difficult conditions.

The reality however, is different. Though much of it may not be as well known as the Chabad tales to many.

ב"ה, over time, more has come out about the mainstream Yiddishkeit in the USSR and its heroes. In that vein, I was very happy to see a great account about two talmidim of the Radin yeshiva of the Chofetz Chaim zt"l, and their monumental work in הרבצת התורה והיהדות behind The Iron Curtain, in the latest issue of Mishpacha magazine. 

Highly recommended reading.

Read and learn, read and be inspired, read and enjoy.

זכר צדיקים לברכה, לחיי העולם הבא

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Real Reb Moshe Kotlarsky: Chabad-Lubavitch Partisan, and Messianic Believer

 Reb Moshe Kotlarsky, a prominent leader in the "establishment" Chabad-Lubavitch group (the one that attempts to conceal, play down, explain away problematic positions, such as their continuing belief that their late Rebbe, who died almost thirty years ago, is the Messiah) passed away earlier this week. Too much of the craven mainstream mass media, has been figuratively falling over itself since, fawning over him and flattering his group, painting him as some sort of mainstream Jewish leader, being led by the nose, as the saying goes, by the massive Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda apparatus. Typical of Chabad-Lubavitch, which acted similarly after the passing of Reb Yoel Kahn, a prominent teacher in the group, a few years back.

In order to better understand the real Reb Kotlarsky, beyond the glitzy PR of his group, we take you to some video you may not have seen (or for those who are Yiddish/Hebrew challenged, may not have understood).

At a Chabad gathering in Kazakhstan a few years ago -

a) Implores in prayer at gravesite of his Rebbe's father that 'we need the Rebbe (d. 5754/1994) here in a physical body to take us out of golus, bring us to Yerushalayim, והוא יגאלנו (and he will redeem us)'. 

b) Asks that Chabad-Lubavitch shluchim succeed in making Jews closer to "נשיא דורנו" (a Chabad-Lubavitch term for their Rebbes, meaning leader of our generation), his late Rebbe who passed away almost thirty years ago. That reveals what Chabad-Lubavitch is aiming for in its activities - bringing people closer to their sect and its long gone leader.

This shows you what Kotlarsky and his group are about. Not what they say in English to the media. But what they say in Yiddish/Hebrew among themselves.

More can be said, but due to busyness, will suffice with this to make the point now.

א גוטען חודש און א גוטען שבת

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

When the Novhardok Mussar Yeshiva came to the USA - Reminiscences of an American Boy

In the wake of the recent passing of Rav Yechiel Yitzchok Perr zt"l, as when he lived among us, the way of life of the Novhardok mussar movement (usually overshadowed by the Slabodka mussar camp) got some long overdue exposure. Sort of a Novhardok mussar renaissance, one might say. Rav Perr taught, publicized, and disseminated ideas and practices from that school. But it wasn't just coming from him. There have also been new works from Eretz Yisrael in recent years, such as professional audio recordings of Novhardok songs, as well as historical works on the group.

Recently I was in a seforim store, where I was pleasantly surprised to see a new attractive volume from a modern publisher on the writings of Rav Yisroel Salanter zt"l. I started looking at it, and to my pleasant surprise it included a very interesting, detailed first-person account of the early years of Novhardok in the USA, written by a well-known scholar. In it one gets an intimate look at its struggle and adaptation to its new home. It can be seen online (p.17-25). 


Monday, May 13, 2024

Chabad-Lubavitch Meltdown Continues

 Your Girls Are Impacting My Girls, And That's A Problem (collive.com)

The thirtieth yahrzeit of their late Rebbe is less than two months away. That means thirty years without a living leader. Thirty years. Three decades. Think about it. That is a long time. It shows.

All the PR, the newspaper pieces, glossy magazines, websites, the tweets by the army of Chabad-Lubavitch propagandists, cannot cover up the truth, the reality that Chabad-Lubavitch has serious, deep problems, that compel even their own members to cry out.

May הקב"ה help us from scam artists, no matter how artistic they may be in their deceptive depictions.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Lubavitcher Laments Drastic Decline in Chabad Standards Due to Shlichus Focus and Emphasis

A Lubavitcher has written a piercing piece decrying the terrible spiritual decline in Chabad in recent times due to outside influences entering via their shlichus system. In areas like dress, lack of צניעות and eidelkeit, adoption of inferior music and entertainment modes, and more.

It is a de facto admission that the גדולי ישראל, זכר צדיקים לברכה, who questioned and opposed modern Chabad were wise, farsighted, and prescient.

In a time when too many have been duped by the massive PR of the Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda apparatus, it is a welcome and desirable corrective for people to see to get a better handle on the reality of the matter. 

Recommended reading.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Fearsomeness of Tefillin Shel Rosh - Automatic, or Conditional? A Closer Look, with Contemporary Angles, and Applications

Every once in a while, especially in difficult times perhaps, people bring up and promote an idea, based on a מאמר חז"ל, that wearing tefillin is a miraculous, magic solution for security and protection. This has been particularly put forth by some as a religious-mystical-magical protection solution for Yidden of ארץ ישראל, particularly those involved in the defense/security arena. The late, last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe used it prominently in promotion of his new project dubbed "מבצע תפילין", before the Six-Day War, in which his followers were instructed to lay tefillin on qualified men who weren't otherwise putting them on (which continues now). 

Due to the prominent and ubiquitous nature of this belief, it is appropriate and desirable to examine and analyze it, to hopefully gain a proper grasp of it, בס"ד, and see if its popular understanding is correct or not.

At first glance, the idea seems sound, as the gemara (ברכות דף ו' ע"א) says on the posuk וראו כל עמי הארץ כי שם ה' נקרא עליך ויראו ממך - דברים פרק כח, פסוק י, that רבי אליעזר הגדול אומר אלו תפילין שבראש, this is a reference to tefillin of the head. 

The problem is however, that teaching and experience have told us that the matter is more complicated than may first seem.

Firstly, from a Chabad-Lubavitch angle alone, the founding Rebbe of Chabad, known in Lubavitch as the Alter Rebbe, actually is reported to have expressed a differing opinion about the efficacy of that action.

As related in a Chasidic tale by prominent Chabad-Lubavitch speaker R. Y.Y.  Jacobson in a talk a few months ago  -

"There's a געוואלדיגע מעשה  - when the Baal HaTanya, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, was arrested by the Czarist government in תקנ"ט/1798, after Sukkos. So the messenger of the Czarist government came into his home and he was wearing tefillin. He came to arrest him and he (Alter Rebbe-AR) made with his hands, like this (motions with hand), and the man left. So one of his Chasidim was there, he said Rebbe, what happened? He (AR) says שטייט אין גמרא (it says in the gemara) ויראו ממך, they see sheim Hashem and they're afraid, so he left. He (Chasid) said Rebbe, I also put on tefillin, no one is afraid of me? So the Baal HaTanya, the Alter Rebbe, said עס שטייט נישט אלו תפילין שעל הראש, ס'שטייט אלו תפילין שבראש, the tefillin is not only on the head, it's inside the head. The tefillin is inside, its berosh."

(As an aside, R. Efrem Goldberg, in a recent article, attributed that vort to the Vilna Gaon. So who actually originated it is unclear)

So according to this, the protective quality is not automatically attained solely by external wearing of tefillin, rather it must be internalized, on a higher level.

There is a greater, more fundamental problem with the notion though, namely, that the whole idea, that one can take someone that is fundamentally lacking in שמירת תורה ומצות and make him fearsome solely via a fleeting הנחת תפילין, is seemingly not supported by the פרשה of the Torah where the words they purportedly base it on appear. There it says (start reading from the beginning of פרק כח) that if a person follows Torah and mitzvos generally, and then puts on tefillin shel rosh (according to the derasha in Chazal) the עמי הארץ will be afraid. But מכלל הן אתה שומע לאו, if the earlier pesukim are not followed, then the latter ones lack their foundation to rest upon. One cannot just take one posuk of a parsha and promote it out of context.

As an illustration of the type of person that might put on tefillin with Chabad, but yet may not benefit from the fearsome nature of it, we can utilize the case of a recent victim of the Oct.7 attack, a taxi driver who was driving a passenger on that Shabbos/Shmini Atzeres morning, which was featured in a news report a few months ago. Interestingly, in the photo showing him accompanying the report on his murder, he is seen wearing tefillin. Obviously, when someone wears tefillin, yet is being mechallel Shabbos בפרהסיא (as many Chabad tefillin "customers" are), he shouldn't count on them saving him.

A new, different approach to hanochas tefillin as protection

Interestingly, a different campaign has arisen in recent months, also trying to tap in to the power of tefillin as above, but with a different approach than that of Chabad-Lubavitch, which seemingly is more faithful to the meaning of the Torah teachings cited earlier.

Tefillin Campaign for Israeli Soldiers - Israel Select Charity Fund

In contrast to fleeting, haphazard tefillin sessions, this new one promotes a much longer and deeper connection to the great mitzvah. It seems like a much more promising approach.

All should agree, however, that genuine observance of תורה ומצות overall, in general, is the key to our existence and survival, and needs to be promoted and strengthened. Especially in G-d's holy land, ארץ ישראל.

In the זכות of our sincere efforts in that regard, may we be zoche to סייעתא דשמיא, Heavenly assistance, and רוח והצלה וגאולה בקרוב. As the posuk states in Megillas Esther, which we read last week, ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר. אכי"ר, כן תהיה לנו, במהרה בימינו אמן.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Hope vs. Hype - The Danger of Messianic Frenzy

A leading בעל מחשבה and מדריך בהשקפת התורה in our world, has spoken out about the danger of messianic speculation and frenzy (evidently some people have been engaging and indulging in it recently, as has happened at times in the past, esp. during times of great stress and conflict).

Hype of imminent arrival of Moshiach may give birth to a false messiah

ב"ה we have such גדולים to guide us in a responsible Torah manner, in accordance with our מסורה, our holy tradition.

In one particular segment of his words that I especially enjoyed, he shared:

When the גדולי ישראל went through the '73 (Yom Kippur) war, the '67 (Six Day) war, like Rav Schach, Rav Moshe Feinstein, (זכר צדיקים לברכה) we didn't hear such things from them, they weren't talking about משיח, they were talking about התחזקות כראוי (general proper spiritual strengthening). 

The difference between hope and hype may be limited to one letter, but, as we know, even an אות אחת wrong renders a ספר תורה unkosher.

יה"ר מלפני אבינו שבשמים שנשמע ונתבשר בשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות בקרוב

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Litvishe Gadol Expounds on Self-Esteem's Importance - Toras Avigdor Spells it out for us

The matter of self-esteem and the fundamental importance of it in the Torah worldview has been touched on here in the past. For example, we observed that some people think that it is a Chasidic matter, a חידוש (innovation) of that group, and like to cite Reb Zadok of Lublin, for one, on the subject

Of course, that is absurd (as when some Chasidim pose as the inventors of the idea of serving G-d with joy, an explicit ancient scriptural verse in Tehillim), as way back in the Mishnah it states that a person is obligated to say that the world was created for me.

But some people might want, need, and enjoy a more extensive mainstream treatment of the subject, especially due to its importance in our day and age. So therefore I am pleased to share with you that the very recently released Toras Avigdor for Shabbos parashas Bo 5784, has an extensive and comprehensive treatment of the subject (particularly from page six onward). 

Let the lights of ישיבה כנסת ישראל of Slabodka and רב אביגדור מילער זצ"ל elucidate and illuminate the subject for you based on classic, ancient Torah sources.