Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Want to Flip Tisha B'Av? Don't Be Flippant on it

 Tisha Be'Av can be a trying day (as it is meant to be), as we recall the חורבן, mourn the בית המקדש, and hopefully do תשובה, with the help of the chamisha inuyim, in which we abstain from certain regular, normally permitted pleasures and conveniences.

So many people desperately want to flip it to a happy day. As the posuk says in Zecharya, in a prophecy of the future, that צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה לששון ולשמחה ולמעדים טובים. 

But we need to know how to hopefully do that. And the way is by getting the message of Tisha Be'Av, not by rebelling against it.

I recently saw a story online about a Chasidic leader "canceling" Tisha B'Av".

It is also known that there is a custom among some Chasidim (and maybe a bit among some others too) to throw things on Tisha Be'Av in Shul (h/t). In the Chabad-Lubavitch faith, people bring acorns, dried beans, peas, or so, to throw at each other during Eicha, presumably at other times during 9 Av services as well (sources: 1 - See Heads up: section, paragraph two, at Ari Teman - on Twitter: "@Tuviae @DBashIdeas Chassidim take seriously that the Torah should be approached and appreciated with joy. That laughter is not disrespectful, but an appreciation of the Torah and how this man is teaching it as he reads it (which is the point, and why the Temanim, for example, still do…" / X, 2 - see comment "Tishabav" here). 

And a neo-Chasidic leader tells a story about a Rebbe who danced on Tisha Be'Av.

And truthfully, I understand where such behavior comes from (although strongly rejecting it), since the atmosphere can get quite heavy. But, if we understand the true observance and message of Tisha Be'Av, which includes ways and paths leading to a brighter future, we should be able to keep things in perspective, and not resort to foolishness and frivolity on such an important day.

As we are taught by Chazal, כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתהproperly mourning ירושלים of old leads to the joy of its rebuilding.

May we merit seeing that soon.

A healthy (spiritually and physically) and successful Tisha Be'Av to כלל ישראל.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Counting on Chabad Reps & Houses While Traveling? Sorry, No Free Lunch There

Too many naive people seem to think (a notion promoted by the Chabad propaganda apparatus) that Lubavitch is always there to help anyone around the world needing help, with a smile and happiness, if they are traveling, a family member runs into trouble, and so on, with no strings or cost attached. The reality is somewhat different, however, and people should be aware of that. Of course, the Lubavitch propaganda people will try to hide it, as they do with other problematic aspects of Chabad, but sometimes things have a way of getting through, and the truth comes out.

A important letter from a Chabad representative in Europe in this vein was just published, which, together with the comments/reactions to it, shed important light on the reality behind the Lubavitch facade and PR.

Of course, in general, people should stay away from Chabad Houses overall. Although Lubavitchers like to make people think that kosher travel is impossible without resorting to the outposts of their faith, in reality, Jews have been on the road for thousands of years, way before the founding of Chabad-Lubavitch. As the old Yiddish saying goes, א איד גיט זיך אן עצה, a Yid figures out a way how to do things. It is very possible to travel in a kosher and halachic way without Chabad houses, as has been done for generations upon generations. Also, there are ב"ה proper Orthodox Shuls around the world where people can daven that are not affiliated with them (and if in a place where there is no regular such group, one can at times bring together people for a minyan, with the help of modern technology, וד"ל ). The fact that some people today fall for their propaganda that one cannot travel without resorting to Lubavitch, shows the laziness, ignorance, and naivete of too many. 

As we are now in a season when some people are planning trips before the start of the new school year, and the approach to 5784, it is an appropriate time to remind people of this.

May הקב"ה watch over us, and help us be safe both spiritually and physically, wherever we may find ourselves.

א גוטען חודש