Tuesday, November 28, 2023

להשתעשע בדברי תורה - Rav Asher Weiss Explains an Enigmatic Term of Torah-Human Interaction

There is a beautiful, evocative expression that is used to describe the ideal interaction of a genuine Torah scholar with תורתנו הקדושה. Beautiful, yes, but explanation and explication of it could seem elusive.

I am referring to להשתעשע בדברי תורה, based on the pasuk in Tehillim (קיט:צב) of לולי תורתך שעשועי אז אבדתי בעניי. A related expression is found elsewhere in Tanach with regard to young children here, and toddlers here

Recently Rav Asher Weiss שליט"א, in the course of a great hesped in Eretz Yisrael for Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi זצ"ל, expounded on it, and his words are worth hearing (h/t 'כך לומדים קצויעס?' | ההספד של הגר"א וייס על רה"י • צפו (kikar.co.il).

I cannot duplicate his presentation, so I recommend you listen to/watch it yourself. 

But just to give you an idea, a taste, to whet your appetite, he references a רבינו יונה in מסכת אבות, which states that הקב"ה gave us the תורה to be משתעשע with it. He (RAW) describes that as, for example, saying a סברא forward and backward, to say it in one manner and then in another. Not saying it quickly and proceeding further, rather holding on to it, looking at it from all sides, turning it over. Elsewhere in his words he analogizes such Torah learning to people holding, scrutinizing, and enjoying a precious stone, examining it from different vantage points, its light, reflections, facets, and special qualities. Hear it from RAW here.

May we be zoche להשתעשע בדברי תורה, giving us holy strength and pleasure, in difficult times as well as easier ones, as we connect with הקב"ה through His holy gift to us, leading to גאולה וישועה, בב"א.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Dealing with Anxiety in the Present Matzav: Rav Shaul Alter Gives Direction and Chizuk at BRS

Recently, Rav Shaul Alter, renowned Rosh Yeshiva and מנהיג of Gur, visited the USA. In the course of his visit, he visited Florida, where, among other things, he appeared at the Kehillah of BRS. There, in the course of a moving and inspiring program of music and Torah, he addressed the matzav (situation) of Yidden and Eretz Yisrael since this past Shemini Atzeres, providing important הדרכה, spiritual guidance.

A high quality recording of the event is available online in several places, but I want to share some of the program here in writing, to whet your appetite, and for those who may not be inclined to sit through a video.

The Rabbi of the congregation, R. Efrem Goldberg, in introducing the guest, stated that during the Gulf War, circa thirty years ago, the guest's father. R. Pinchas Menachem Alter (aka הפני מנחם) citing Tehillim סד:ב, where it says מפחד אויב תצר חיי, expounded a distinction between אויב and פחד אויב, saying that דוד המלך didn't ask הקב"ה only for (physical) protection from the enemy, but also from the fear, tension, anxiety, psychological and mental stress that often exists in such a situation.

Rav Shaul Alter, in his address, in response, said that he would say that we need to speak of בלבול, confusion. People don't know what to think, how to view the matzav, and are bewildered, confused. Once they rid themselves of that, and understand that everything is with a חשבון, whatever happens, it is not at random, then they will attain a measure of equanimity that way.

He mentioned the gemara in מסכת עבודה זרה, where, in response to nations who try to take credit for milchamos, it attributes them to הקב"ה , citing the words of the pasuk that ה' איש מלחמה, that even in war there is השגחה, a Divine providence. Additionally he expounded on the meaning of מלחמות אני עשיתי with regard to הקב"ה. Despite the difficulties of such a time and situation, and the horrors of war, we are not forsaken. Our merciful heavenly father, אבינו שבשמים, אבינו אב הרחמן, is with us. 

The moving evening, which included singing and dancing, left people inspired and with greater clarity. May HKB"H help us get through the difficult time and reach שלום גאולה וישועה בקרוב.

A full version of the address of the Rosh Yeshiva, can also be seen here, among multiple other places.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

New Litvishe Singing Star Steps Out With Timely Songs of Emunah, Bitachon, and Chizuk

 Litvishe Singing Star? Yes, you got that right. Not a misprint.

I was looking around online, and was pleasantly surprised to come across an impressive talent that I was not aware of, a short while ago, a Shmuel Greineman of ארץ ישראל. Kikar Shabbos had a stellar post with a very recent recording of him, singing some great songs.

To give you an idea, some of them have lyrics like this:

א-ל נקמות ה' א-ל נקמות הופיע

אזכרה אלקים ואהמיה בראותי כל עיר על תלה בנויה ועיר האלקים מושפלת...ובכל זאת אנו לי-ה ועינינו לי-ה

לא אירא רע כי עתה עמדי

מי יתן ראשי מים ועיני מקור דמעה ואבכה יומם ולילה על חללי בת עמי

אל תזכור לנו עונות ראשונים

טוב לחסות בה' מבטוח באדם

סבוני גם סבבוני בשם ה' כי אמילם

דחה דחיתני לנפל וה' עזרוני

ואעבר עליך ואראך מתבוססת בדמיך ואמר לך בדמיך חיי

Take a look, have a listen, enjoy, and be strengthened.

יה"ר מלפני אבינו שבשמים שנשמע ונתבשר בשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות בקרוב 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Chabad-Lubavitch Adopts "Peylishe" Chasidic Mode of Simchas Beis Hashoeivah

 Nowadays, Chabad-Lubavitch is known for loud and lengthy Simchas Beis Hashoeivah celebrations in public streets, most prominently perhaps near their headquarters in New York. But it was not always that way. Evidently in the past there was a (indoor) Farbrengen then.

I came across a short video, in which a Lubavitcher explains the change.

It seems it might part of a general process in which Chabad-Lubavitch is becoming more like what they call "Peylishe Chasidim" than in the past. I could see Chabad purists looking askance at that. But since many Chabad-Lubavitch Chasidim nowadays come from "Peylishe" backgrounds, it is not so surprising. Anyway, the point is that Chabad is not an unchanging tradition some might want you to believe it is. From Lag Baomer parades to Simchas Beis Hashoeivah in the streets, to their last Rebbe's "mivtzoim", and on and on, much change has taken place over the years there, especially under their last Rebbe.

א גוטען מועד

Friday, September 29, 2023

Chabad Lubavitch Brazenly Defies Beth Din Ruling - Online Drive Garners Wide Backing

As posted here previously, the Beth Din (rabbinical court) of the Edah Chareidis of Jerusalem, one of the most prominent in the world, has ruled decisively against the Chabad-Lubavitch devious, subversive, and illegal takeover of venerable, old Orthodox congregations in Budapest, Hungary, and called on people to support the victims evicted by them.

An online drive to raise public awareness of the criminal, hostile action was recently started, and has already, ב"ה, gained significant backing, despite lack of major media coverage, and attempts by Lubavitch to cover it up. Chabad-Lubavitch, as in known from many other cases, uses threats and intimidation, explicitly stated or implied, to try to prevent reporting that they don't like. If they can't totally block some of it, they try to drown it out and overwhelm it with barrages of their glossy PR. Astute people are getting wiser to their devious ways over time, however, and are being less fooled by their propaganda machinery.

Please lend a hand to support the victims here. In addition to the righteousness of their particular cause, it is also important to do so, to prevent further depredations of the Chabad-Lubavitch. Do not say or think, this community is far away, and relatively small, we can sacrifice it to the Chabad dragon. That is akin to what Neville Chamberlain, UK Prime Minister in the 1930's did, when he sacrificed Czechoslovakia, also in Central Europe, to Nazi Germany. And it didn't end well at all. It just led to much greater evil. 

If Chabad is not stopped now, they will continue to do such things, and it will affect you too before long, G-d forbid. The brazenness of Chabad cannot be tolerated. They must learn that they must follow the psak of Beis Din (link), and they can't flout it without consequences. And that people are watching, and waking up. They must be confronted and held accountable for their thievery and gangsterism.

In the zechus (merit) of helping this righteous cause, may you be spared any such depredations in your own community.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Chabad-Lubavitch Slammed for Terrible Breaches of Tznius - By Own Follower!

 There are multiple, or should I say many, problems with Chabad-Lubavitch, ranging from the realm of thought and theology to the realm of practice and action. Of course, their messianism is a central and often discussed issue nowadays, but it is by no means the only major problem with the group.

A recording of a recently aired Jewish radio program in NY, by the name of Levin at Eleven, was sent to me via e-mail, in which a member of Chabad-Lubavitch, evidently someone living in Crown Heights, slammed his own people, for terrible breaches in this area. Interestingly, while the (non-Lubavitch) hosts of the program tried to soften the criticism of Chabad, the Lubavitcher, an insider who knows the group from up close, spoke very strongly about the appalling situation.

Let us hope that Chabad-Lubavitch repents soon for this and other serious breaches, among our nation as a whole. There must be accountability. They will not be allowed to have a free ride forever.

Monday, September 11, 2023

The Old-Fashioned Selichos Not Heard About

 I just saw a thought-provoking post elsewhere, which is worth sharing. A site from New Jersey in the USA claims that there are still many people (ב"ה, כן ירבו) that follow the old way of saying סליחות.

Can you believe it? Without even a single, non-electric guitar?

If no one tweeted about it, if no video was posted, did it actually happen that way?

ב"ה there are still great masses of people that follow our ancient holy traditions, even if a smaller group adopting newfangled ways is making more noise. 

כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Hungary Update: Eidah Chareidis of Jerusalem Calls for Support of Budapest Chareidim vs. Chabad-Lubavitch Usurpers, & Revelation

Hungary Orthodox בודפשט הונגריה on X: "Citation from Verdict of Chief Rabinical court of Jerusalem (Badatz) "They (Chabad) use various tactics to take the Jewish Orthodox community of Hungary from the G-od fearing and hand it to the Status Quo, as well as Uhel Kerestir and Kaliv, against the opinion of the Holy Torah" https://t.co/ymTOzlSPWj" / X (twitter.com)

Hidden Connection of Chabad Russia & Lubavitch Hungary

Another important and very interesting fact to consider here, to understand the background of the Chabad hostile takeover of the venerable kehillah and Shuls of Khal Adas Yereim Budapest, which has been compared to the takeover by Chabad in Russia some twenty five years ago, with the help of the government there, is the following.

Who leads Chabad-Lubavitch in Budapest, their representative for decades in Hungary? A guy by name of Baruch Oberlander. He has a prominent brother-in-law in Russia, also part of Lubavitch. Did you connect the dots yet? His brother-in-law is Berel Lazar, head of Chabad-Lubavitch in Russia (to understand Berel Lazar's personal Chabad faith, see this very important video clip). The family relationship of Lazar and Oberlander is laid out clearly right here. Maybe Lazar tutored and mentored Oberlander in how to orchestrate a Russia style takeover in Hungary?

May הקב"ה, Almighty G-d, help the righteous against the nefarious, devious schemes of the wicked.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Hesped: When the Rosh Yeshiva of MYRCB Expounded on the Great Sin of Littering

We are now in the month of Ellul, approaching a new year, 5784, הבא עלינו לטובה אי"ה. It is a time when there is a special and additional focus on repentance, תשובה, and מוסר, rebuke. We are also just days after the passing of a leading Rosh Yeshiva. 

So it is quite appropriate to hear some strong words, powerful and cleansing, inspiring and energizing, from the late Rosh Yeshiva of ישיבת רבנו חיים ברלין זצללה"ה.

 Listen: Rabbi Chaim Nosson Segal Remembers Rav Aharon Moshe Schechter zt”l – Inspired for a 55-Year Stretch | Matzav.com

45:20 app. -

Rav Chaim Nosson Segal shlit"a relates:

"You know the Rosh Yeshiva said over once, I was driving with him somewhere, and the car in front of us littered, and the Rosh Yeshiva said to me, the breakdown of society begins with littering. When you consider the road and the world to be your garbage can, so then you have no respect for anything.

That was the Rosh Yeshiva. There was no act that could not lead us to higher levels of קדושה (holiness). There was no such thing."

אשרי אוזן שומע זאת, ויתן אל לבו, אשרי מי שעמלו בתורה ועושה נחת רוח ליוצרו

Littering, especially in its more egregious forms, such as people who eat in a motor vehicle and toss the leftover packaging from it, is a serious violation of both common mentschlichkeit (basic humanity), as well as Torah. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Yahrzeit Seudah? No. Shloshim Seudah? No. The Importance of Our Traditional Boundaries.

Not so long ago I saw notice of an event, upon the yahrzeit of a Litvishe Rosh Yeshiva in the USA, who was נפטר not long ago. It advertised a 'Yahrzeit seudah' for him. I also saw mention of a 'Shloshim seudah' in another instance.

Whoa! In our Torah way, yahrzeits are marked by things like having an אזכרה, הספד, fasting, learning, davening at the amud, saying kaddish, giving a shiur. Not festive meals.

This shows us the problems from when Litvish mix too much with Chasidim, daven in their prayer houses, get too friendly with them, and fail to maintain proper separation and boundaries. They sometimes, רחמנא ליצלן (may Hashem save us from such), start adopting Hasidic practices at odds with their מסורה, their tradition. And once such a trend starts, it might ח"ו, G-d forbid, proceed even further.

While a related matter was written about here more than a decade ago, the importance of this issue, and these problematic variant practices, warrant another post.

Just because a Chasidic prayer house might be a bit closer to you, offer more to eat, have more PR, and more mass-produced services at their "minyan factory", does not mean that it is an appropriate place for us. החכם עיניו בראשו. We should favor principle over convenience.

In the zechus of choosing with care where we daven and learn, may we be זוכה to a גוט געבענטשט יאהר, כתיבה וחתימה טובה.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Budapest Chareidim Resist Chabad Invasion - Widespread Outrage at Lubavitch Imperialism

 Outrage against Chabad-Lubavitch is spreading around the world, in wake of one of their most recent despicable power plays, closing a Chareidi Shul in Budapest, Hungary, the seat of a venerable Hungarian Chareidi congregation. Evidently Chabad-Lubavitch has been trying to take control of Hungarian Jewry through political maneuvering and intrigues, as they did in Russia years ago, by cozying up to the regime there. But a group of brave Hungarian Orthodox Jews are fighting back. Like the Hungarians revolted against the Soviet Union in 1956.

Beyond the reports in various media outlets about this sad situation, what is also quite interesting are the comments at some of the sites (some of which seemingly have been subsequently deleted due to Chabad-Lubavitch pressure. The sect now even tries to block and remove comments they don't like. But there are ways to retrieve things that have been removed). People from far and wide chimed in, telling of Chabad Lubavitch takeovers, and attempted takeovers elsewhere. It is clear, as is well known by informed people, that Lubavitch tries to take over communities and positions, far and wide.

The valiant resistance to Chabad in Hungary has posted videos illustrating the situation at YouTube.

They also have been posting updates on social media at Hungary Orthodox בודפשט הונגריה (@HungaryOrth) / X (twitter.com), and ShomreiHadasHungary (@ShomreiHadasHun) / X (twitter.com)

This matter is not only of interest to Hungarian Jews, but to our people worldwide. It is a cautionary tale of great import. The former President there admits that he worked with Chabad, and then they betrayed his trust. This should be a warning and a lesson to people worldwide, who contemplate inviting Chabad to their communities. Lubavitch has an agenda of its own. Don't be fooled. Behind some smiles, sweet talk, and offers of assistance, it is a dangerous group. Don't invite in a stranger who will later attempt to evict you, or make you a second-class citizen in your own house.

May הקב"ה help us against such subversives.

What is the Opposite of, the Antidote for Sinas Chinam? The Brisker Rav Elucidates the Matter

 What is the antidote for שנאת חינם (loose translation - hate for no reason), the way we can counteract it?

Often we hear (and it was perhaps repeated even more recently during the בין המצרים - three weeks period) a well-known and worn idea that goes like this:

The second Beis Hamikdash was destroyed due to sinas chinam (see Rav Avigdor Miller's explanation of that here, not exactly what you likely grew up with,). In order to have it restored, we need to remove and rectify that problem. Therefore we must practice its opposite, אהבת חינם (loose translation - free love, love for no reason) to merit redemption. This thought is often stated in the name of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, Chief Ashkenazic Rabbi of Israel, however it seems to have preceded him and come from a Chasidic leader, R. Yechezkel of Kuzmir.

While that seems quite appealing, and fits easily into the modern zeitgeist in Western countries, in reality, such free love, like the more corporeal "free love" of hippies, anarchists, and other radicals, is dangerous, deceptive, and not in accordance with our tradition. Our holy Torah requires, mandates hatred at times. So the Brisker Rav zt"l pointed out that the opposite of sinas chinam, gratuitous hate, is actually proper enmity, hatred when it is just and warranted, for good cause, like hatred of evil and רשעים.

So to merit geulah, בקרוב אי"ה, let us practice love when it is warranted, and hatred of evil when it is in place. And hopefully soon merit the day when the evil vanishes like smoke, as we daven for during the approaching ימים נוראים.

א גוטען חודש אלול

כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Want to Flip Tisha B'Av? Don't Be Flippant on it

 Tisha Be'Av can be a trying day (as it is meant to be), as we recall the חורבן, mourn the בית המקדש, and hopefully do תשובה, with the help of the chamisha inuyim, in which we abstain from certain regular, normally permitted pleasures and conveniences.

So many people desperately want to flip it to a happy day. As the posuk says in Zecharya, in a prophecy of the future, that צום הרביעי וצום החמישי וצום השביעי וצום העשירי יהיה לבית יהודה לששון ולשמחה ולמעדים טובים. 

But we need to know how to hopefully do that. And the way is by getting the message of Tisha Be'Av, not by rebelling against it.

I recently saw a story online about a Chasidic leader "canceling" Tisha B'Av".

It is also known that there is a custom among some Chasidim (and maybe a bit among some others too) to throw things on Tisha Be'Av in Shul (h/t). In the Chabad-Lubavitch faith, people bring acorns, dried beans, peas, or so, to throw at each other during Eicha, presumably at other times during 9 Av services as well (sources: 1 - See Heads up: section, paragraph two, at Ari Teman - JusticeForAri.org on Twitter: "@Tuviae @DBashIdeas Chassidim take seriously that the Torah should be approached and appreciated with joy. That laughter is not disrespectful, but an appreciation of the Torah and how this man is teaching it as he reads it (which is the point, and why the Temanim, for example, still do…" / X, 2 - see comment "Tishabav" here). 

And a neo-Chasidic leader tells a story about a Rebbe who danced on Tisha Be'Av.

And truthfully, I understand where such behavior comes from (although strongly rejecting it), since the atmosphere can get quite heavy. But, if we understand the true observance and message of Tisha Be'Av, which includes ways and paths leading to a brighter future, we should be able to keep things in perspective, and not resort to foolishness and frivolity on such an important day.

As we are taught by Chazal, כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתהproperly mourning ירושלים of old leads to the joy of its rebuilding.

May we merit seeing that soon.

A healthy (spiritually and physically) and successful Tisha Be'Av to כלל ישראל.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Counting on Chabad Reps & Houses While Traveling? Sorry, No Free Lunch There

Too many naive people seem to think (a notion promoted by the Chabad propaganda apparatus) that Lubavitch is always there to help anyone around the world needing help, with a smile and happiness, if they are traveling, a family member runs into trouble, and so on, with no strings or cost attached. The reality is somewhat different, however, and people should be aware of that. Of course, the Lubavitch propaganda people will try to hide it, as they do with other problematic aspects of Chabad, but sometimes things have a way of getting through, and the truth comes out.

A important letter from a Chabad representative in Europe in this vein was just published, which, together with the comments/reactions to it, shed important light on the reality behind the Lubavitch facade and PR.

Of course, in general, people should stay away from Chabad Houses overall. Although Lubavitchers like to make people think that kosher travel is impossible without resorting to the outposts of their faith, in reality, Jews have been on the road for thousands of years, way before the founding of Chabad-Lubavitch. As the old Yiddish saying goes, א איד גיט זיך אן עצה, a Yid figures out a way how to do things. It is very possible to travel in a kosher and halachic way without Chabad houses, as has been done for generations upon generations. Also, there are ב"ה proper Orthodox Shuls around the world where people can daven that are not affiliated with them (and if in a place where there is no regular such group, one can at times bring together people for a minyan, with the help of modern technology, וד"ל ). The fact that some people today fall for their propaganda that one cannot travel without resorting to Lubavitch, shows the laziness, ignorance, and naivete of too many. 

As we are now in a season when some people are planning trips before the start of the new school year, and the approach to 5784, it is an appropriate time to remind people of this.

May הקב"ה watch over us, and help us be safe both spiritually and physically, wherever we may find ourselves.

א גוטען חודש

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Bitter Fruit of Faulty Neo-Chasidic Theology Comes Out in the Open in Affinity Scam Exposes

 We have written in the past about the big problem with the "every yid's a big tzadik" song and philosophy promoted by Neo-Chasidim (as well as some old Chasidim, as well as others), via a TYH song, and otherwise.

 Now I know that some people thought, hey, what is he complaining about, it's cute, who cares, what's the difference, even if it is wrong, it's harmless, etc., etc.

But of course, in addition to the fundamental fact and commandment of מדבר שקר תרחק, that we are enjoined to stay far away from falsehood, that attitude is a clear and present existential danger to us. In addition to cases of physical harm, whether molestation or otherwise, that are perpetrated by bad apples "within the community" (fraudsters who pose as pious Jews), another serious internal problem is fraud in business, whether on a small scale, or large scale Ponzi schemes, and other scams that we hear or read about from time to time. Letting our guard down via delusional beliefs and attitudes makes us sitting ducks for such predators, ח"ו, something our holy Torah by no means prescribes.

While such things are exposed sometimes, and even reported in the media occasionally, usually it seems to be in regard to a single case, and doesn't address the problem more broadly. But now, in just the last day or so, surprisingly, I saw two big pieces on the subject, with a broader focus and scope, in some major frum media outlets. While long overdue, they are very welcome and necessary.

1) MAILBAG: Ponzi Schemes And Investors In Our Community: A Warning To All Involved - The Yeshiva World

2) Hot Deal or Hot Air? – Mishpacha Magazine

This type of affinity fraud is also related to the "Every Yid's a Big Tzadik" attitude promoted by people like the TYH group. Naive kids, newly converted to the neo-Chasidic faith, from posh suburbs, may harbor and buy such fantasies, but they are very dangerous and un-Jewish, and need to be called out.

No, every Yid is not a big tzadik (and not every talmid chacham is a gaon) Like those who proverbially wrap themselves in a flag can be scoundrels, those conspicuously wrapping themselves in "frumkeit", or "Chasidus", can be so too. As posted here in the past, the proper attitude our great rabbis taught toward strangers is respect and caution/suspicion. Trust must be earned. It is not granted by a song that some pre-1A teacher made up, sung by some youngster online.

May הקב"ה protect us from swindlers of various stripes who steal our money and innocence, as well as from those who peddle feel-good, but false, and anti-Torah theology, wrapped in Hasidic garb, who steal our minds, and falsify our faith.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

The Day You Can Ask Hakadosh Baruch Hu For Anything!!! Misnagdic vs. Chasidic Perspectives

 B"H כלל ישראל has a special relationship with הקב"ה, and we can basically daven for anything at any time, as it says in the תורה הקדושה, that Hashem is close to us whenever we call to Him, something which Chazal elaborate upon as well.

However, some Chasidic groups have selected certain days and times, and made a hullaballoo about their being special, when people can ask Hashem for everything, which gets some people very excited, when actually, as stated above, we have that special closeness through the year.

One of the days that Chasidim seize on as being a special time people can "daven for anything" on is Purim, something we have touched on in the past.

Another day, stressed in Chabad-Lubavitch in particular is today, כ"ג סיון, when they say that their last Rebbe said that one can ask Hashem for anything and be guaranteed fulfillment. I guess some people can't resist selling the Brooklyn Bridge (not far from Crown Heights, incidentally) again to the gullible (one wonders, if Lubavitchers actually believe that, why they have not brought Moshiach yet through tefillah on that day, לשיטתם).

(h/t - the aptly named www.shtusim.com)

While Chasidim may claim that such extravagant promises give people hope, and strengthen אמונה, standard Judaism recoils from such reckless and baseless talk, which can, on the contrary, lead to disappointment and despair, G-d forbid, when hopes and dreams are inevitably dashed.

May הקב"ה help us cling to his seal, אמת, and resist the temptation to make unsupported assertions which do not reflect well upon his people. 

ובזכות דביקות במדת האמת נזכה לגאולה בס"ד בב"א

Monday, April 3, 2023

Yeshiva University Neo-Chasidic Leaders Gather at Last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe's Tomb

Yesterday, members of the Chabad-Lubavitch faith around the world marked the 121st birthday of their late last spiritual leader, Rebbe M.M. Schneerson. Many of them did so by visiting his grave in New York City.

While that serves as a pilgrimage site for Lubavitchers, it also receives other visitors at times, who come for various reasons, such as politicians, who kowtow to the Chasidic sect in that manner in hope of winning political support, as well as friends, sympathizers, and fellow-travelers of it. Chabad-Lubavitch promotes visits to the tomb by the public at large as well, by framing it as a holy place, through which people can attain various types of salvation and good fortune. The more people that go there, the greater the PR for Chabad and their Rebbe that Lubavitch toils so diligently at.

Recently, a group of people affiliated with Yeshiva University made such a visit (a while ago we wrote about the relationship of Neo-Chasidus & Chabad, which we characterized as a relationship of closeness & distance). Among those making the trek were YU mashpia and Neo-Chasidic leader Rebbe Moshe Weinberger, Aish Kodesh Rebbe of Woodmere, NY, YU Judaic studies faculty member R. Reuven Boshnack, a protege of his, R. Efrem Goldberg, of BRS, prominent YU alumnus, with a group of his congregants, who were visiting the NY area then, and (surprisingly), R. Aryeh Leibowitz, of the RIETS/YU semicha program.

It is part of an increased closeness between some of the Modern Orthodox/YU comunity and Chabad-Lubavitch in recent years, fed by a sustained Lubavitch PR campaign trying to convince the MO that they are closer to Lubavitch than they actually were in the past.

Examining the photographic record of the visit can shed some light on the state of YU/MO-Chabad-Lubavitch relations now, as well as additional other matters.

Here we see Rebbe Weinberger at a tisch at the Chabad-Lubavitch tomb complex with the visitors.

Here we see some of them at the actual gravesite.

What is noteworthy is that basically, the YU/MO group is keeping to itself, staying apart from the Lubavitchers at the site. As if they are genuflecting to the late Rebbe, but staying apart from his living followers there.

It was interesting to see Rebbe Weinberger at the tomb. As we noted previously, he personally has deep connections with Lubavitch going back many years, and spent much time at their 770 headquarters years ago, including at gatherings with their late Rebbe. On the other hand, his congregation, which fairly often hosts other Hasidic speakers, leaders, performers, and personalities, such as R. Mottel Zilber, a Stuchiner Rebbe, R. Tzvi Meir Zilberberg, various people connected to Breslov, among others, seems to have a total lack, or at least a dearth of Lubavitchers so featured, the lack of which is quite telling.

R. Efrem Goldberg of BRS, who led the interesting BRS Mevakshim tour that brought his group there, although typically thought of as a prominent MO rabbi rather than a neo-Chasidic leader, has close ties with Rebbe Weinberger, whom he enthusiastically promotes, in addition to longstanding ties with the New Square Chasidic sect, and Chabad-Lubavitch, among others.

Another quite notable aspect of the gathering was, when Rebbe Weinberger and his entourage turned to enthusiastically sing and dance משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה there, in a departure from ordinary accepted behavior at the location. I guess it is related to Rebbe Weinberger's doing and encouraging such at other cemeteries and graves in his travels with followers a few months ago, which can be clearly seen in videos posted (for example, in Tzfas, in Teveria, and elsewhere). Is Rebbe Weinberger trying to normalize such a radical break with age-old tradition, to normalize singing and dancing in cemeteries? Perhaps he should try it at the resting place of the Satmar Rebbe R. Joel Teitelbaum, to whom he also had some sort of connection allegedly, as well, and see how the natives receive it there. Personally, I don't think such actions are wise, as Shlomo Hamelech warned, ופרץ גדר ישכנו נחש.

As we approach Pesach, a time where מסורה, tradition, and מנהגים are so central and emphasized, we should keep in mind that those categories are integral and vital to Yiddishkeit as a whole, year-round, and not just to that great יום טוב.

In the zechus of staying faithful, may we be zoche to a great Yom tov.

חג כשר ושמח

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Mussar Lives! Modern Revival Gathers Strength!

Defying a bevy of "frum" naysayers, who say things like "mussar is dead", not suitable for our time, doesn't fit our generation, is too negative, has been superseded by "Chasidus", and other nonsense, the veritable old discipline of לימוד המוסר continues on, and is even gaining new, enthusiastic, young devotees. 

As שלמה המלך, the wisest of men, exhorted us, החזק במוסר אל תרף, נצרה כי היא חייך - Grab onto mussar and don't let go, guard it, as it is your life - the imperative of mussar and introspection is fundamental, as recently expounded upon masterfully at length in Toras Avigdor.

That doesn't mean that everyone must study mussar in the exact same manner as was done under Rav Yisroel Salanter zt"l in Kovno some 150 years ago, or in Slabodka or Novhardok fifty years later. There are multiple schools and paths in mussar, which is a very broad discipline. And one can absorb mussar without being an official "mussar'nik" as well, e.g. by learning sefer Mishlei, other sections of Torah which may not be labeled as such, or a more recent work (such as the great ארחות יושר of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l), rather than more typical mussar seforim more commonly associated with the modern movement.

Hachzek - Daily Mussar Impact - A New High-Tech Mussar Center

In the category of old wine in new vessels, I saw an advertisement for a new mussar endeavor, an organization called החזק, recently, but just checked out their website in earnest this week, and was favorably impressed with the professionalism and sophistication on display. I counted shiurim from twenty (!) maggidei shiur for the latest (brief) mussar yomi installment there (a section from the classic חובות הלבבות, שער הבטחון). And the shiurim are not long, busy people can easily be a part of it, on the go, or at rest, in just circa 5-10 minutes a day.

Hachzek. Reach higher

Take a look, have a listen, check out a video, a sefer, or text there. It may not be exactly how your grandfather got his dose of mussar, but the aura of introspection, striving for self-improvement, and closeness to Hashem that characterizes mussar is still there for sure.

In the zechus of such serious spiritual enterprise, whether older מוסר varieties or newer, or other less common, but still legitimate variations, may we be zoche to גאולה בקרוב.

א גוטען חודש

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Niggun for Binyan Hamikdash That Lubavitch Took & Made Into a Chabad Anthem

 A while ago, we posted about a foundational Chabad-Lubavitch myth and song of their seventh generation, of their late last Rebbe, who passed away close to thirty years ago.

At the time, I wrote that "the tune that Lubavitch uses to אימתי קאתי מר was taken from an old Yerushalmi song, מתי יבנה המקדש (When will the Beis Hamikdash be rebuilt?)".

Although I recalled part of the song, or one version of it, I was not aware of a recording available to share easily with readers.

B"H, I have just found it (or a version of it) online, sung by the great Rosh Yeshiva of  Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Rav Yisroel Belsky zt"l, at a fine website memorializing him.

You can hear it here.

The mostly Yiddish song, suffused with the feeling of a Jew of old, intimately familiar with the ordeals and tribulations of our long גלות, pleading to הקב"ה for the גאולה and בנין המקדש, goes as follows (followed by my loose translation)

פון דארטען ווארפט מען ארויס

דא לאזט מען נישט אריין

זאג'שע טאטע טאטע'ניו ביז וואנען וועט דאס זיין

זאג'שע טאטע טאטע פאטער מתי יבנה, יבנה המקדש 

From there they throw us out

Here they don't let us in

Say dear Father, Father dear, until when will it be?

Say dear Father, Father dear, when it will be rebuilt, the (Beis Ha)Mikdash will be rebuilt

אכי"ר, בב"א

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Chabad-Lubavitch Chasidim Struggle With Life-Threatening Alcoholism Epidemic

It has long been known that alcoholism is a significant problem in Chabad-Lubavitch, but even I was surprised at some of the hair-raising details I saw in a just-published article on the problem, and in the many comments on it.

 'Near Death': Activists Warn About Rise in Alcohol Consumption (collive.com)

Some more at Community Leaders Launch "Urgent" Campaign Against Underage Drinking - Anash.org 

More details about the depth of the problem at Rabbi Braun Explains What Triggered Letter on Drinking (collive.com)

While the Chabad-Lubavitch PR machine tries to convince people (esp. those far from Crown Heights and those that know little about them) that they are about to bring Moshiach, with their airbrushed propaganda about far-away shluchim, the reality of much of the group is far different.

Why aren't these "Chasidim" getting high on avodas Hashem instead of alcohol, drugs, and other mishugasen? 

May Hashem help us see the truth about things, and be spared from all types of deception and corruption.

Missing the Boat on Purim Due to Misplaced Emphasis on Hyped-up Segulos and Fads

 Rav Gershon Ribner שליט"א is a leading expositor of Torah השקפה and הדרכה (outlook and guidance). In addition to his regular work of הרבצת התורה as a ראש ישיבה, he responds to questions on a wide range of subjects from a broader ציבור, giving crucial guidance to בני תורה dealing with various challenges of modern life.

While looking at a site where his wisdom is shared the other day, one piece related to Purim caught my attention. Upon contemplation, I came to the conclusion that it was quite fitting for featuring here, in line with some of our past posts, in which we highlighted the classic old Torah מסורה of Purim, as opposed to some new-fangled fads that have recently arisen and spread.

Rav Gershon Ribner: The great opportunity Purim presents is often mismanaged (rebgershonribner.com)

While the entire piece is worth listening to, I want to focus on two things the Rosh Yeshiva שליט"א says.

1) The Rambam says we are to learn from Purim, להודיע כי אמת הוא מה שאמר משה בתורה כי מי גוי גדול אשר לו אלקים קרובים אליו בכל קראנו אליו. Purim tells us that HKB"H is close to us whenever we call out to Him. If a person walks out of Purim with the focus that Purim (דווקא - specifically) is a געוואלדיגע עת רצון, and "כל הפושט יד נותנין לו", he missed the boat, because the idea we are to learn is that that special closeness between Hashem and Klal Yisrael is anytime, not just on Purim. The limud of Purim is that he does not need a/any bazundere segulah.

2) If a person is (overly) busy on ליל פורים (Purim evening) with מסיבות (Purim celebratory gatherings) (when the proper/main time for them is not at night, rather during the following day), and he therefore misses proper קריאת שמע the following (Purim) morning, and is like a zombie at the daytime megillah reading, he is a שטיא (fool).

B"H we still have גדולים who speak out clearly on these very important fundamentals, especially when way too much confusion exists out there, especially among the less educated of our people.

א כשר'ן און פרייליכען פורים

P.S. Also remaining very relevant are our numerous Purim related posts from previous years, in which we dispelled certain widespread popular myths (e.g. Purim will not be the only Yom tov when Moshiach comes), and shared proper old-fashioned Litvishe השקפה with regard to Purim from gedolim like Rav Aharon Leib Steinman, Rav Avigdor Miller, and the Brisker Rav, זכר צדיקים לברכה, delineating how they differ from various Chasidic teachings and practices. Read and enjoy those and other pieces here.

Monday, February 27, 2023

The Chabad-Lubavitch Massive Messianic Fiasco of 5753/1993 - New Video Brings it Back to Life

We are now approaching what is called פרשת זכור, a time of our year in which the theme of remembrance is additionally prominent. Although of course, it is important through the year, as much of our faith involves matters of זכירה.

Our great Rabbis have taught us that forgetfulness reigns after a year has passed. קל וחומר, all the more so, when thirty years have passed since an event. Therefore there is a need to occasionally revisit certain things, to remember them, and to protect historical accuracy from some who may attempt to obscure, obfuscate, if not outright deny or falsify, important facts.

There are many young people today who were not alive, or were just young children at the time, and they therefore don't understand the background of some of the positions promulgated by our great גדולי ישראל, such as The Brisker Rav, Maran Harav Schach זצוקללה"ה, זי"ע, and so many others, with regard to very necessary and vital distancing from Chabad-Lubavitch, that prevail and reverberate to this day. Therefore we are indebted to Chabadinfo.com for sharing with us this great video coverage of a major messianic event that occurred at their headquarters in 5753/1993, involving messianic proclamations, satellite connections to other countries, unveiling of special messianic artwork, appearance of their Rebbe following a stroke on a 770 balcony, in addition to the messianic frenzy in Chabad-Lubavitch at that time in general, including general media reports, that bring the matter to life, and show the prevailing mood and context there then.

Some highlights in the video -

Lubavitcher leader Shmuel Butman, longtime head of Lubavitch Youth Organization, and cousin of the late last Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, is MC of the event.

Reb Yoel Kahn, prominent Chabad-Lubavitch theologian and teacher, is seen proclaiming his late Rebbe as Moshiach with a display of vigorous certainty. He states that he does not say אם ירצה השם as he is 100% certain.

A young Berel Lazar, head of Chabad-Lubavitch in Russia, who Lubavitch claims and promotes as "Chief Rabbi of Russia" (though that is disputed), promoting his late Rebbe as Messiah, and bellowing יחי אדוננו וכו.

The late Rebbe appears on a balcony of the hall.

Chicago channel two TV report on Moshiach beepers and messianic frenzy overall.

Barry Cunningham reports for Channel 11 TV, also on Moshiach beepers and Moshiach frenzy.

Eyewitness News Channel 7 report with Bill Beutel and Harry Martin.

Reb Yudel Krinsky, longtime Chabad-Lubavitch spinmeister, attempts some damage control

An Israeli tv report on the happenings.

A tv report in English by a woman reporter (seemed like channel 11), later joined by a male colleague.

Reb Leibel Groner, and other prominent members of the group.

Watching this with your own eyes, and seeing the messianic hysteria and frenzy then, which continues widely to this day, to some degree or another, within Chabad-Lubavitch, is helpful even for those who were around then. But all the more so, for those who didn't see it when it actually took place.

May הקב"ה help us remember what needs to be remembered, including, for such terrible debacles, fiascos, and failures, what actually happened, so as not to repeat dangerous errors, or support those that try to keep them alive, rather than leaving them dead and buried.

א פרייליכען חודש אדר