Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Secret to Chabad’s Success? PR/Advertising

Hey, they said it themselves now, don't blame me.

 If we would write this on our own, some people would object vociferously, and make a ruckus. So don't take it from us, take it straight from Chabad-Lubavitch themselves.

Chabad-Lubavitch has had a big stress on PR for decades, if not longer. R. Yehuda Krinsky was hired by them way back in the 1950's, davka to have a native English speaker on staff for PR purposes. Over the years, the operation has grown greatly, and now they churn out oodles of material all the time. Not just print, like when R. Yudel started, but audio, video, digital too.

This fools too many naive people. They see all the mentions of Chabad-Lubavitch and their emissaries in the media, but much less mention of others, who don't have such giant PR operations publicizing their every move, so they are duped and deluded, and come to believe that Chabad-Lubavitch are basically the only ones out there, doing various mitzvos around the world, doing outreach, etc., etc. While so many other Yidden are doing various mitzvos, kiruv, chesed, etc., etc., modestly, far and wide, without fanfare, following the path of Chazal, who instructed us that אין לך יפה מן הצניעות, those without big PR machines are invisible to too many, even to some clever and affluent people who should know better.

Chabad-Lubavitch has various tactics to get themselves in the news. For example, when there is a natural disaster, say a hurricane or earthquake in some distant land, they have it is publicized that their shliach in the area lifted a hand to help some people. They prefer such free advertising, as the price is right, and it makes a "Kiddush Lubavitch" (a term they use for good PR, their version of a Kiddush Hashem, lehavdil).

Anyway, the brief video in the post linked to above (there is a much longer JEM video on the topic as well, but it requires payment to view) shows that it is very much a planned and deliberate strategy, and that it came all the way from the top, from the last Rebbe himself. Interestingly, at other times the Rebbe instructed that things be done מיט א שטורעם, loudly, which seems to be a similar or identical idea, albeit utilizing a different expression.

May הקב"ה help us grasp the the true nature of things, and not fall victim to deception.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Feel Good "Torah" vs. Authentic Torah

 It is most important to seek truth (אמת) and accuracy when studying and expounding Torah. When ח"ו people stray from the straight path in learning, even if they claim good intentions for said deviation, their learning and teaching is distorted and corrupted, and is not תורת אמת.

These thoughts came to me the other day, after seeing a Hasidic publication on the weekly portion of study misquoting and distorting a midrash.

This is what the publication looks like. 

In its first excursus it states "Chazal say (Bereishis Rabbah 48:8) that Avrohom Avinu sits by the gate of Gehenim and does not allow any Jew to enter". 


The problem is however, that that is not what the Midrash actually states, from which it deviates on multiple counts.

 The Midrash says א"ר לוי לעתיד לבא אברהם יושב על פתח גיהנם ואינו מניח אדם מהול מישראל לירד לתוכה ואותן שחטאו יותר מדאי מה עושה להם מעביר את הערלה מעל גבי תינוקות שמתו עד שלא מלו ונותנה עליהם ומורידן לגיהנם הה"ד (תהלים נה) שלח ידיו בשלומיו חלל בריתו. 

It talks 1) about the future, not generally, 2) about the circumcised, not the nation in general, 3) it explicitly explains how even then, circumcised sinners can end up in גיהנום, ר"ל. 

So what is this Hasidic publication of the teachings of the son of the קרעטשניף ירושלים Rebbe talking about? It seems to be either willful selective quoting and distortion, or gross negligence. Either way it is shameful.

Some, in the Hasidic movement and elsewhere, like to peddle half baked half-truths (as a famous old saying goes, א האלבע אמת איז א גאנצע ליגען, a half truth is a complete lie) in the form of "feel-good" teachings like this, claiming that no Yidden go to גיהנום, that lack legs to stand on. But such things, instead of making people feel good, are sickening actually. 

May הקב"ה help us adhere to the way of truth, and save us from falsehood ר"ל.
וטהר לבנו לעבדך באמת

א גוטען שבת

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Unconditional Love? But What do Chazal Say?

 A common expression heard from some modern "experts" in chinuch these days is that we must give "unconditional love" to children, and in general. 

But is that the way of our holy Torah?

Chazal give us valuable advice when dealing with situations in which correction is in order. ת"ר לעולם תהא שמאל דוחה וימין מקרבת, the left hand should push away, while the right (stronger hand) should draw near (BT, Sanhedrin 107b). This middle path, we can call it the שביל הזהב, the golden mean, to borrow a phrase from רמב"ם, is distinct from the two extremes of total rejection (pushing away with both hands) and total acceptance, no matter what (aka "unconditional love"). 

I heard a beautiful explanation of this, in the name of Rav Aharon Soloveichik z"l, of Chicago, as follows. When one rejects, or draws near another person with both hands, the person remains facing in the same direction afterward. Just the distance between them and you has changed. On the other hand, when the left (weaker) hand pushes away, while the right (stronger) hand draws near, the result is that the person shifts and turns, and gains a new perspective, improving the situation. This is ancient wisdom of our great Rabbis that we ignore at our own peril.

May הקב"ה help us do the right thing, even if it not PC at the moment.

א גוטען חודש