Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Illuminating The Shtreimel World - A Video Visit And Conversation With A Shtreimel Maker

        Demystifying The Distinctive Fur Hat - The Tails on the Heads

Although we have in the past shared with you a pictorial feature on shtreimels of fine still photos here, a recent entertaining video interview from Eretz Yisroel with a shtreimel macher posted online takes us on a moving journey deeper into that world, adding to our knowledge and understanding of the headgear, and is worth viewing for those interested in such things.

Topics covered include legend of the origin of the shtreimel, how many tails go into a shtreimel, are animals killed solely for shtreimel manufacture, theories for the origin of the term shtreimel, mass produced vs. custom made shtreimels, shtreimel costs,  and more.

Mostly in Yiddish, with English on screen, and some Hebrew.


(h/t Gruntig)