Saturday, March 22, 2025

Feel-Good Chasidic Vertel Exposed as Baseless

 There is a Chasidic vertel (small vort) that goes something like this -

It says in the beginning of parshas Noach,נח איש צדיק (בראשית ו:ט). Rashi there comments from Chazal, יש מרבותינו דורשים לשבח, ויש שדורשים לגנאי (some of our Rabbis interpret this in a positive way, that Noach was a tzadik in his weak generation, all the more so would he have been in a stronger one, while others interpret it negatively, that in his spiritually meager generation he was considered righteous, but in a better generation he would not have been).

So the Hasidic comment notes that Rashi only uses the term מרבותינו (of our rabbis) when mentioning the positive interpretation, and not with the negative one. Why, it continues? To show us that someone who interprets negatively is not worthy of being called one of our rabbis.

Update: Our dear friend and commenter who goes here by the moniker of Old Litvak, has given us a source for this in ספר פרדס יוסף (lower left of page - more below in comments section).

                                       Litvish analysis and Fact check

 Though Hasidim and neo-Hasidim like the TYH folk may like that, it doesn't hold water. As seen in the beginning of פרשת ויקהל, which we just read, in שמות לה:ג, where Rashi cites a different machlokes, about fire on Shabbos. He also cites a first opinion with the expression מרבותינו there, while omitting it when afterward citing a second one, even though this not a case where one side is a positive interpretation and the other a negative one. Showing us that that just is the way of Rashi (perhaps, or should I say likely, to economize on verbiage and letters in the days before printing, when things were written by hand).

Another baseless Hasidic "feel-good" vertel bites the dust. 

We must search for truth in Torah and life, rather than trying to force preconceived notions onto the text where they don't fit.

ברוך אלקינו שנתן לנו תורת אמת

In the zechus of אמת may we be zoche to the great ברכות that go along with it.

א גוטע וואך און א גוטען חודש

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Berel Lazar, Russia Chabad Head - a Study in Lubavitch Propaganda, Duplicity, and Deception

Berel Lazar, the head of Chabad-Lubavitch in Russia, is one of the most prominent Chabadskers around today. The jet-setting Italian born leader cuts a dashing figure among his fellow followers of the Crown Heights, NY, faith, and is a leading player in global Lubavitch propaganda. He poses as "Chief Rabbi of Russia" (a questionable title, which anyway, he gained through manipulation and machination by the Chabad-Lubavitch in conjunction with the Russian government), which leads some people, who don't know the background of it, to treat him with greater deference and respect than if he would just be another Chabad-Lubavitch agent. It (sometimes) gives him access to places where he might not be welcomed otherwise. Of course, Chabad-Lubavitch deliberately promotes this, describing him as "Chief Rabbi of Russia" to outsiders, while among themselves, on the other hand, his claim to fame is being the head of Chabad-Lubavitch there, sent by their late leader. 

Recently, I was surprised to see that Project Inspire was advertising Lazar prominently as a featured guest at their upcoming convention. That is sad, as it is part of Aish HaTorah, which historically, has maintained a distance from Lubavitch. R. Noach Weinberg zt"l is not shepping nachas from such a deviation from the path he laid out. Also, at a recent Lazar event in Eretz Yisrael, some representatives of the Litvishe yeshiva world participated. Evidently, some people don't understand what Lazar is about, so to help you grasp what he represents, I will share some information. 

Exhibit one: As we posted in the past, in the 1993, a young Berel Lazar participated in a big Lubavitch messianic event, led by the late Shmuel Butman, promoting their late leader as Messiah, in the days when he was ill, following his stroke, before he passed away. You can see very clearly in the Chabad video, a young Berel Lazar, head of Chabad-Lubavitch in Russia, promoting his late Rebbe as Messiah, and bellowing יחי אדוננו וכו (click to play relevant segment).

Now perhaps one might say, that was a long time ago, what about more recently. That leads us to the next piece.

Exhibit two: This past summer there was a Shloshim gathering after the passing of Moshe Kotlarsky. Lazar spoke at it, ending with "there should be the real simcha with the התגלות (revelation) of the Rebbe" (just after 36:15 in the recording). Evidently he still holds him as Messiah.

Exhibit three: Less than three months ago, speaking at Lubavitch HQ in Brooklyn, Lazar stated "העולם כבר רואה שהמרכז של הכל הוא חב"ד" ('the world already sees that the center of everything is Chabad'). Click to see and hear.

These remarks, at Lubavitch events, to fellow Chabad-Lubavitch followers, show his essence. Of course, elsewhere, as typical among Lubavitchers, he is more guarded in his remarks generally, when among others.

The point that must be stressed here, is that a Lubavitcher going under another name or title is still a Lubavitcher. Even if he may call himself Rabbi rather than Shliach at times, he still is a Lubavitcher, and still must be held at a distance, as Rav Schach זצוקללה"ה, and other gedolim, who were very aware of the wiles and deceptions of Chabad-Lubavitch, taught us.

In the zechus of following our great גדולים, may הקב"ה grant us בשורות טובות, וימי גאולה וישועה בקרוב.

א גוטען חודש

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Noach was an איש צדיק...Every Yid can be a Tzadik...A Song Gets A Long Overdue Makeover

In the past we have discussed here serious problems with a certain neo-Hasidic group and some of their activities, including the children's kiddie jingle "Every Yid's a Big Tzaddik", which they promote for all.

However, we needn't despair, it is possible for even a seriously flawed song, message, individual, or group, to be rectified and gain a תיקון. In that spirit, we share corrected lyrics for it (with the flawed, rejected lyrics crossed out nearby, for ease of comparison, contrast), to hopefully bring the catchy tune into compliance with mainstream traditional Torah Yiddishkeit.

Noach was an איש צדיק, Noach was an איש צדיק

Noach was a big tzaddik, Noach was a big tzaddik

From his keppeleh to his fiselech, Noach was an איש צדיק

From his keppeleh to his fiseleh, Noach was a big tzaddik

Noach was an איש צדיק, Noach was an איש צדיק

Noach was a big tzaddik, Noach was a big tzaddik

From his keppeleh to his fiselech, Noach was an איש צדיק

From his keppeleh to his fiseleh, Noach was a big tzaddik

Every Yid can be tzaddik, every Yid can be a tzaddik,

Every Yid's a big tzaddik, every Yid's a big tzaddik 

Every Yid can be a tzaddik, every Yid can be a tzaddik,

Every Yid's a big tzadik, every Yid's a big tzaddik 

From his keppeleh (head) to his fiselech (feet), every Yid can be a tzaddik

From his keppeleh to his fiseleh, every Yid's a big tzaddik

Instead of the delusional, dangerous falsehood in the other version, which leads to depression and disillusionment when it encounters real life, our version is realistic and hopeful at the same time. So if you are in a place where you cannot escape the song entirely, raise it up, be מתקן it, by substituting our lyrics.

May we be זוכה, merit בקרוב, to the day when ועמך כלם צדיקים will be a reality, אכי"ר.

(The longtime Pre-1A teacher, turned Hasidic Rebbe, behind the song under discussion)

Note - This seems to be an early video of it. Interestingly, it does not contain the second part of the song ("every Yid's a big tzaddik"), which is the major part of our problem with it. Perhaps that was not part of it originally, and was only added later?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sleep vs. Sleepy "Learning"? Rav Miller Rules

Rav Avigdor Miller זצ"ל was old-fashioned (a term I am using here in a positive sense, as a compliment) in various ways. One of them was in his representation, modeling, and advocacy of classic healthy living, such as non-materialistic lifestyles, and enjoying, appreciating, and giving thanks for things like simple food, walking, fresh air, and the like (along with deep and genuine Torah spirituality, of course). 

Rav Miller was not part of the modern coffee-guzzling, caffeine-fueled, pill-popping "frum" culture practiced by too many (with frequent harried travel often part of the mix). Rather he was far from it. He ate simply, traveled little, liked to walk, breathe fresh air, eat fruit, drink water, enjoy nature.

This occasionally comes into sharp relief in his words, as seen in an important Q & A exchange with him shared recently by Toras Avigdor:

Rav Miller's words at the above linked page are very important, but there is even more that can be added to them, which I think he would agree with, for example,

1) Proper sleep is not only important for mental health, it is vital for physical, general health as well.

2) When a person is tired, lacking adequate sleep, their learning is usually quite deficient and inferior in comparison to when they are properly rested, in areas such as comprehension and retention.

It was shared by gedolim that there is an inyan of ביטול תורה באיכות, qualitative bittul Torah, meaning that if someone can learn Torah on a higher level and suffices rather with a lower one, he has not done properly (ביטול תורה - עולמות, see section ט toward bottom, in English some info here). While that expression and idea is usually invoked with regard to something like someone reciting Tehillim simply and seemingly superficially vs. learning תורה שבעל פה with deeper understanding, לענ"ד it could be applied to learning sleepy vs. learning rested too.

Modern research has shown the great importance of good sleep for mental functioning and memory. Even Harvard University, although they may be quite confused in other areas, testifies strongly to that:

Sleep well, and learn better. Recharge yourself with good sleep, and resist the allure of coffee, cigarettes, and other quick "fixes", which don't do the job you need and want long-term (if even short-term).

There are people that push themselves hard to wake up early for a shiur, don't sleep enough, guzzle coffee to keep going, and then wonder why they hardly recall anything from such "learning" sessions. Is that the way to go? הקב"ה wants us to understand, enjoy, and retain our learning. Don't fool yourself. You are surely not fooling Hashem. Learn when you are properly prepared, rested, and alert, and the yields will be something to write home about.

ברכה והצלחה

Thursday, January 16, 2025

California Fire Exposes Chabad-Lubavitch Fraud

Followers of the Chabad-Lubavitch faith have been playing a game with people for years, Good Chabad Lubavitch - Bad Chabad Lubavitch (akin to Good Cop - Bad Cop), in which they purport that the lunacy of their sect is of a small, crazy messianic faction, but that the main group (represented by the Krinsky-Kotlarsky-Shemtov establishment Agudas Chasidei Chabad faction, which runs, and more) are not like that. Although they hold the same or basically the same beliefs as the openly messianic group, they make great efforts to hide or obfuscate things which may turn off others (especially potential donors, of course), such as their belief that their late last leader is the messiah, in an attempt to conceal them from outsiders. Of course, that is another scam of the Chabadskers. As we saw in our previous post, we see now again clearly, where a Chabad of the allegedly mainstream faction has Torahs which are covered with mantels (specially designed and inscribed Torah coats/covers) with their messianic mantra of  יחי אדוננו וכו on them, proclaiming their long (over thirty years) dead leader as Messiah.

This can readily be seen here:

 It's a mitzvah: LA fires activate Jewish law of saving Torah scrolls from calamity | The Times of Israel

In the right and left photos on the top showing the Chabad scrolls, one sees clearly at the top of their covers, in a sort of crescent form, the messianic mantra.

While normally hidden, they are now out in the open for all to see.

נתגלה קלונם וחרפתם, השקר של חב"ד-ליובאוויטש

Don't be fooled by them, don't support them.

Of course, this is a big part of their general playbook, taking advantage of disasters to promote themselves, and to fundraise, whether it involves cases of flooding, hurricanes, fires, or otherwise, they offer free publicity and fundraising opportunities, so Chabad-Lubavitch PR Inc. is there to take advantage and monetize the situations for their benefit.

Even the so-called "Yeshiva World News" falls for their fraud, promoting them against the true Yeshiva world's traditional stance. For shame. 

ושומר נפשו ירחק מהם, וכ"ש שלא לתמוך בהם, וילך בטח בעזרת השי"ת

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Chabad-Lubavitch Defiling of Chanukah (ר"ל)

Chanukah is one of the great ימים טובים (holidays) of the Jewish people. It is identified, connected, infused, suffused with holiness, the fight to maintain our sanctity in a hostile, impure world. Who does not know about the פך השמן הטהור, the flask of pure oil, that played such a vital role in it.

מתתיהו כהן גדול and the חשמונאים stood up for the קדושה וטהרה of כלל ישראל, their holiness and purity.

But now, millennia afterward, there is a group that has hijacked Chanukah for its own motives, defiling it in the process, R"L. An aggressive, dangerous Messianic sect that uses Chanukah as a giant platform to promote themselves and their late leader, which they hold to be the Messiah, despite his passing away over three decades ago. In their zeal to promote themselves and their events, they engage in various questionable activities along the way.

The other day I saw some egregious examples of this when I took a look at a video of a very recent Chanukah event in NYC put on by Chabad-Lubavitch (a branch of, that is part of the allegedly "non-messianist" faction, led by a grandson of a close associate of their late leader) with their ex-follower, the singer Matisyahu.

In the course of it, Chabad-Lubavitch had a young child shout out yechi...three times, promoting their long deceased leader as Messiah, from the stage. Additionally, the performer, Matisyahu, used improper vulgar language in his performance.

Is this what Chanukah is about? Such things are antithetical to the true meaning of the great Yom Tov.

And this is by no means the only way or instance of Chabad-Lubavitch playing (improper) games with it. In Washington, DC, less than a month ago, a prominent Chabad-Lubavitch agent, sang "brachos" (albeit using "Hashem") at a Capitol Congressional event over a menorah which was lit there, the thing is, however, that it was over a week before the holiday then. A Chabad-Lubavitch faux Chanukah. A different example related to the same fellow: at their "National Menorah" lighting" near the White House in the beginning of the Yom tov, a chazan they had there sang the bracha of להדליק נר without saying shem Hashem. Those are just a few prominent examples that we became aware of, who knows what may have happened elsewhere. Such shenanigans cheapen the holy Yomtov.

The גדולי ישראל that warned us against Chabad-Lubavitch (even when they seem on the surface to be doing something right), like Rav Schach zt"l, the Brisker Rav zt"l, and many others, were very wise, understanding, foresighted, and prescient, and have been proven correct on the matter many times over. We need to take a lesson from this in general, with regard to Chabad-Lubavitch, to not fall for their loud, flashy, and glitzy, and gaudy lures even if they seem at first to be kosher, as they have a חזקה, a presumption, based on a long record, to corrupt things with their messianism and mistaken theology, and not to be deceived by their deceptive massive propaganda apparatus.

In the זכות of following our great leaders, our Torah sages and elders, may we be zoche to true holiness and purity, leading the way to the true Moshiach, במהרה בימינו אמן.

Update: Chabad-Lubavitch subsequently released their PR piece on the event described in the beginning of the post, in which the attendance was exaggerated (thousands claimed, though from the photographs it looked like hundreds to me), and the messianic part was not reported. Typical of the deceptive propaganda of the dangerous sect of the false messiah of our time.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Lubavitchers on Drugs - A Shocking Reality Beyond All The Chabad-Lubavitch Propaganda

Chabad-Lubavitch PR Inc., the giant propaganda machine of the Crown Heights NY based faith, just had its annual agents convention. Many people, unfortunately, as usual, were duped by it, the glitzy, fancy banquet, video coverage, etc. 

But in order to really know modern Chabad-Lubavitch, we need to look beyond their many airbrushed and calculated promos. We need to see what Lubavitchers are saying among themselves. Just like with regard to the Middle East, where leaders often say one thing to press, outsiders, in English, but something quite different to their own people in Arabic, or Farsi, and many people are sadly fooled, but there are some, like the organization MEMRI, that monitor such internal media and translate it, to get the truth out to the world, so too with a group like Chabad-Lubavitch. We need to see what they say to each other, to get beyond their massive propaganda deceptions, the staged performances that they put on for the world at large.

For starters, to illustrate this, I will share one example (of numerous) that just came to my attention.

Looking through some Lubavitch news a short while ago, I came across a mind-blowing (no pun intended) story about a very serious Chabad problem, of their "Chassidim" 🤣 using dangerous psychedelic drugs to get high, cope with life, for excitement... (as usual, see not just the post, but the important comments too). Yes, the Hasidic sect that claims to be the intellectual Hasidism, the one bringing Moshiach, that believes their long gone leader is he, is using drugs to keep on going. They preach to others that "Chasidus" has the answers, is the perfect way of life...but the hard facts on the ground in Lubavitch show a very different reality.

Yidden! Wake up! Don't be duped by all the Chabad-Lubavitch propaganda! Don't fall for their scams, don't give them a penny. Instead of them laughing all the way to the bank, after relieving you of your hard-earned money under dubious pretenses, let them go home crying, without a cent in their pockets.

ולשומעים יונעם ותבא עליהם ברכת טוב